Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Sugar”
Almond Honey Cookies
Almond honey cookies are typically a Christmas treat, but that doesnt mean we cant enjoy them on other occasions as well.
- Preparation Time: 145 minutes
- Cooking Time: 23 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
Za okras
- 125 g Nuts, almonds
Za premaz
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
6 spoon Water
Za testo
125 g Honey
200 g Sugar, white
4 spoon Milk, skimmed
100 g Butter, unsalted
Almond Panna Cotta with Berry Sauce
Do you like almonds? The nutty flavor and white color of the almond panna cotta are beautifully complemented by the dark red color of the berry sauce.
- Preparation Time: 135 minutes
- Cooking Time: 17 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
750 ml Soy milk, chocolate
75 g Sugar, brown
28 g Seaweed, agar, dried
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
250 g Strawberries
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
An excellent Italian almond pastry that pairs perfectly with coffee or tea. The cookies are so delicate that they will melt in your mouth.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
250 g Nuts, almonds, roasted, unsalted
200 g Powdered sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Finely grind the almonds (in a grinder or food processor) and mix them in a bowl with 150 g of powdered sugar and almond extract. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. While beating, slowly add the remaining powdered sugar. Gradually fold the almond mixture into the egg whites with a whisk and mix until you get a smooth batter.
American Donuts
Delight your family and bring a touch of American flair to your kitchen. Due to the added colors, sugar, and extracts in the glazes, this is not the healthiest dessert, so enjoy it in moderation.
- Preparation Time: 100 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
- pieces Oil, vegetable oil, canola
125 ml Milk, partially skimmed
60 g Butter, unsalted
25 g Yeast, dry
Angels Tears
A somewhat forgotten pastry that our mothers and grandmothers used to prepare on special occasions. It is not demanding, but it is very beautiful to look at. When well chilled, it has a very special and pleasantly refreshing taste. The specialty is the sugar droplets or tears that form on top of the meringue used to glaze the pastry. Packaged in transparent packaging, the pastry is also suitable as a gift.
Anise Balls
Anise balls are soft and sweet Italian Christmas cookies, festively colorful and beautifully scented.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 8 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
4 cup Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 cup Sugar, white
6 spoon Baking powder
2 spoons Spices, caraway, seeds
0.5 cups Milk, whole milk
2 piece Egg, fresh
0.75 cups Oil, vegetable oil, canola
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
Anise Cookies
Cookies that are quick to bake and fill the home with the pleasant aroma of anise.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
4 pieces Egg, fresh
200 g Sugar, white
280 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
1 teaspoon Spices, caraway, seeds
Using an electric mixer set to the highest speed, beat the eggs until frothy. Then, while continuously mixing, gradually add the sugar. Mix until the frothy mixture grows significantly. Gradually fold in the sifted flour and anise.
Apple and Blackberry Cake
It is said that blackberries are the healthiest fruit among all berries. To make the most of their medicinal properties, it is best to eat them as soon as they are picked. However, when we have had our fill, we can also prepare this excellent fruit cake, which pairs perfectly with a cup of warm drink.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 80 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Apple Crumble in a Pan
Crumble could be called a simpler version of a fruit pie. The base is stewed fruit, which is topped with buttery crumbs. Since this dessert turns out well for anyone who attempts it, its an excellent choice for lovers of simple, quick, and divinely delicious fruit desserts, and its all made in one pan.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
200 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Apple Crumble with Cranberries
A dessert that is both sour and sweet, juicy and crunchy, warm and cold. An excellent choice for colder days when we dont feel like going anywhere, and the only thing missing for complete happiness is a piece of warm pastry to enjoy with a cup of drink or a scoop of your favorite ice cream.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Butter crumbs
100 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Apple in Rum
A dessert with which Jaka Mankoč became the first finalist of the 4th season of the Slovenia competition.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Apple in rum
2 piece Apples, rose
1 dl Alcohol, Rum
1 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
Basil biscuit
3 pieces Egg, fresh
3 spoons Sugar, white
pieces Spices, basil, dried
3 spoons Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Apple Jelly
Did the apple trees yield a bountiful harvest? No problem, prepare apple jelly that pairs well with various dishes. Serve it with meat, and it’s also an excellent addition to delicious desserts. If nothing else, you’ll enjoy it with a roll and butter…
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 24 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
3 kg Apples, rose
125 ml Alcohol, Wine, White
Apricot Granita
Granita is an Italian dessert made from a frozen mixture of fruit, water, and sugar. During the freezing process, it is frequently stirred, resulting in very small ice crystals that give the dessert a very pleasant texture.
- Preparation Time: 255 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
500 g Apricot, raw
110 g Sugar, white
125 ml Water
125 ml Juice, orange
Apricot Jam
For many, apricot jam is the best jam. We present you with a recipe for authentic homemade apricot jam, taken from our grandmothers treasure trove of ideas.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 16 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Apricot, raw
800 g Sugar, white
Pit the apricots and cut them into small pieces. Place the apricot pieces into a wide pot with a thick bottom and sprinkle with sugar. Mix everything well, cover the pot, and store it in the refrigerator overnight.
Apricot Jam with Less Sugar
The orange-colored fruit with a sweet-sour taste is currently in season, and if you have access to a larger quantity of homegrown apricots, dont wait—stock up on sweet jam. For preparation, you need very few ingredients: fresh apricots, sugar, and lemon. For a special flavor and aroma, it is also recommended to add vanilla in the pod.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 5
2 kg Apricot, raw
Autumn Fruit with Walnut Crumble
Juicy chunks of apples and pears are topped with crispy walnut crumble. This dessert is best served warm, accompanied by a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of cold whipped cream.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 32 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Butter crumbs
70 g Walnuts
175 g Flour, Whole wheat
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
90 g Butter, unsalted
80 g Sugar, brown
Bacon Walnuts
Sweet, salty, nutty, caramelized, and with the addition of crispy baked bacon - if this isnt every snack lovers dream! Serve them to your guests, and they will surely want to know where you got the recipe.
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 1
- Number of Servings: 10
2 cups Nuts, Brazilian, dried
1 cup Nuts, almonds
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
Baked Alaska
Baked Alaska is a classic dessert surprise. It consists of sponge cake, ice cream, and sweet meringue, which is quickly baked before serving, and the entire dessert is then flambéed. The dessert is warm on the outside, while hiding an icy surprise inside.
- Preparation Time: 150 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
4 pieces Egg, fresh
100 g Sugar, white
Baked Apples with Caramel Sauce
A simple dessert like baked apples can be transformed into a gourmet treat with the addition of caramel sauce, creating a memorable experience for all who have the chance to try it.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Caramel sauce
160 g Sugar, brown
1 bag Sugar, white
60 g Butter, unsalted
2.5 dl Sweet cream
4 pieces Apples, rose
Baked Apples with Cinnamon and Rum Sauce
Baked apples have been delighting us since our grandmothers time. They were usually stuffed with dried fruit, honey, and nuts and then baked in the oven. Rum wasnt typically used back then, but it pairs wonderfully with baked apples, especially when turned into a delicious sauce that is poured over the apples before baking. This dessert is simple to prepare, making it suitable even for those who arent very skilled in the kitchen but still want to impress their guests with something special.
Baked Apricots with Elderflower
Elderflower blossoms enhance the flavor of apricots while also ensuring that the dessert has an intoxicating aroma.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 teaspoon Butter, unsalted
800 g Apricot, raw
2 spoons Sugar, white
0.75 teaspoons Spices, caraway, seeds
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
200 ml Alcohol, Dessert wine
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Generously grease a small deep baking dish with butter. Wash the apricots, halve them, and remove the pits. Wash the lemon thoroughly under running water and dry it completely with a paper towel or kitchen cloth. Finely grate the zest, then cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice.
Baked Bananas with Orange Sauce
Baked bananas are an excellent choice for those moments when you want to quickly prepare something sweet. A scoop of cold vanilla ice cream pairs perfectly with the bananas, and for a healthier and lighter version, you can substitute it with a dollop of Greek yogurt.
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Banana, fresh
60 g Butter, unsalted
Baked Egg Custard
Baked egg custard is a simple dessert that is hard to mess up. If youre looking to try making a creme brulee, this recipe is a great place to start.
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
3 pieces Egg, fresh
60 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
0.5 l Milk, whole milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
Baked Quinces with Syrup
Baked quinces with syrup can be used to prepare various desserts or served as the Greeks do - with yogurt.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 130 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
1.3 kg Quince
500 g Sugar, white
875 ml Water
3 spoons Honey
10 pieces Spices, cloves, ground
1 stick Spices, cinnamon, ground
3 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
3 teaspoons Sugar, white
Baked Quinces with Walnut Filling
Quinces might be a somewhat forgotten fruit, but in terms of taste, they dont fall behind pears or apples. Its true that the raw fruit cannot be eaten, but when baked, it transforms into a delicious and aromatic treat. If you dont believe it, try our recipe and see for yourself!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Quince
Baked Rhubarb
From baked rhubarb, you can quickly prepare an excellent dessert. If you enjoy light and refreshing desserts, serve it with Greek yogurt; otherwise, serve it with mascarpone or a scoop of good vanilla ice cream. Don’t forget to drizzle the prepared dessert with the sauce that has accumulated in the baking dish during baking!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 spoon Butter, unsalted
Bananas with Caramel Sauce
You probably never thought that in just 12 minutes you could turn bananas into a gourmet dessert!
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 7 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
60 g Butter, unsalted
4 pieces Banana, fresh
100 g Sugar, white
2 spoons Sweet cream
2 spoons Nuts, almonds, blanched
Peel the bananas and cut them into approximately 2 cm thick slices.
Melt butter in a pan and lightly brown the banana slices. Cook them for about 5 minutes, turning them carefully to ensure they are evenly browned on all sides. Remove the cooked bananas from the pan and keep them warm on a plate.
Beljaks Christmas Trees
We prepare them when we have leftover egg whites from baking, and the little sweet-tooths will gladly help us decorate them.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 120 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
0.25 teaspoons Baking powder
200 g Sugar, white
pieces Sugar, white
Preheat the oven to 110 degrees Celsius. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Berry Jam
To prepare this excellent summer jam, you can use any fresh berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, or blackberries. Use a combination that you like the most, and if desired, you can also add a pinch of your chosen spices to provide additional flavor and a pleasant aroma.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1.8 kg Raspberries
1.2 kg Sugar, white
Black and White Pastry
A pastry that will enchant you with its appearance. An ideal sweet treat for afternoon chats over coffee.
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
30 dag Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 bags Baking powder
10 dag Powdered sugar
1 bag Vanilla, extract, natural
3 dag Nuts, almonds
1 teaspoon Lemon, fresh, without shell
15 dag Butter, unsalted
2 piece Egg, fresh
Black Currant Sorbet
Cool down on hot summer days with a refreshing black currant sorbet.
- Preparation Time: 300 minutes
- Cooking Time: 22 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
330 ml Water
115 g Sugar, white
225 g Black currant, fresh
5 ml Juice, lemon
2 piece Egg, egg white, powdered
1 twig Mint
Place a small pot on the stove and pour in 300 ml of water, then add sugar. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves. Wait for it to boil, then cook the syrup for about 10 more minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let the syrup cool.
Blackberry and Blueberry Jelly
Jelly made from freshly picked blackberries and blueberries will fill us with vitamins and fresh energy.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
500 g Blueberry, raw
400 g Blackberries, fresh
300 ml Water
1 piece Juice, lemon
900 g Sugar, white
Sort through the blueberries and blackberries and wash them thoroughly. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. Place a larger pot on the stove, add the blueberries and blackberries, water, and the lemon juice.
Blueberry Pastry
Spice up your picnic, garden party, or afternoon gathering in the garden with a crispy summer pastry.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
190 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
150 g Sugar, white
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
1 pinch Salt, table
1 teaspoon Lemon zest, fresh
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
115 g Butter, unsalted
Blueberry Sorbet
This sorbet could be called a "blueberry mojito sorbet" because the main three ingredients of the popular cocktail - lime juice, mint, and white rum - add extra flavor and freshness.
- Preparation Time: 275 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
60 ml Juice, lime
60 ml Water
150 g Sugar, white
10 g Lime, fresh
450 g Blueberry, raw
2 spoons Alcohol, Rum
Bonet (also known as bunet) is an Italian dessert that originally comes from the Piedmont region. With its simplicity and exquisite taste, it delights every eater, especially those who prefer lighter desserts. To prepare it, we only need eggs, milk, cocoa, rum, and amaretti, Italian almond cookies that give the dessert its characteristic flavor.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
120 g Sugar, white
Butter Cookie Houses
Always welcome butter cookie houses, inhabited by gummy bears.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
40 pieces Breadcrumbs, dried
200 g Sugar, white
100 g Sugar, white
100 g Sugar, white
200 g Powdered sugar
0.5 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
1 teaspoon Juice, lemon
Prepare a thick sugar icing: in a bowl, mix egg white, powdered sugar, and lemon juice until smooth. The prepared icing should not be runny but thick, yet still spreadable enough for decorating. Arrange a quarter of the cookies on a clean work surface, thinly spread the prepared icing on them, and layer with another quarter of cookies. Spread icing on the shorter sides of the top cookies and place one cookie upright on each side to form the roof. Glue the two upright cookies together at the top with icing (see picture). Wait for the houses to set.
Butter Cookies
Butter cookies will fill your kitchen with a pleasant aroma while baking. They are usually served with a cup of warm drink, but theres nothing wrong with enjoying them with a glass of cold milk.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
200 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Sugar, white
300 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2 spoons Sugar, white
Butter Cookies with Dandelion
When you go for a walk in nature, alone or with your youngest helpers, pick a bunch of fragrant dandelion flowers. You can use them to prepare these special spring cookies that will melt in your mouth.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
230 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Sugar, white
pieces Thyme, raw
300 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Buttercream for Decorating
Perfectly the best cream for decorating cakes and desserts. What could be better than beautifully decorating a delicious cake with various colors and homemade decorating cream.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 1
225 g Powdered sugar
75 g Butter, unsalted
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
3 teaspoons Milk, partially skimmed
Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve into a larger bowl. Add softened butter, vanilla extract, and a teaspoon of milk. Mix the ingredients well with an electric mixer or whisk until you get a creamy mixture. Then add the remaining milk drop by drop while continuously mixing to achieve a smooth and fluffy mixture.
Butterscotch Pudding
You only need 10 minutes of cooking on the stove to prepare this dessert. The result is a delicious treat that combines the flavors of caramelized brown sugar, butter, and a hint of rum or bourbon. The pudding is luxuriously creamy and unforgettable in taste, especially when paired with salted caramel and freshly whipped cream on top.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
350 ml Milk, whole milk
Calabrian Walnut Cake
Grated lemon zest adds a bit of freshness and pleasant aroma, while the powdered sugar used to dust the cake before serving gives it a slight beauty touch. In Calabria, where the recipe originally comes from, you will be offered a slice of cake along with a cup of strong espresso for breakfast or as a dessert after lunch. The dessert is very juicy and light, and if you wish, you can also cut it in half and fill it with mascarpone or buttercream. But even without additions, it will be absolutely wonderful.
Candied Ginger
Charming little sweet cubes that can be used to decorate cakes and other desserts. They can also be enjoyed as a snack while watching a movie.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
350 g Ginger, fresh
225 g Sugar, white
120 ml Water
pieces Powdered sugar
Wash the ginger. Place a pot on the stove and add the ginger along with enough water to completely cover it. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer at a moderate temperature for 15 minutes. Drain the ginger, peel it, and cut it into smaller cubes.
Candied Orange Peel
Prepare homemade candied orange peels and youll never have to scramble through store shelves at the last minute again!
- Preparation Time: 250 minutes
- Cooking Time: 65 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
6 pieces Orange, shell
1 kg Sugar, white
- 100 g Sugar, white
Wash the oranges very well and dry them thoroughly. Cut off the peel at the top and bottom of the fruit, then make several vertical cuts in the peel to divide it into individual sections. Peel the oranges. Cut the peels into strips, 6 mm wide. Place the strips in a pot and add enough cold water to completely cover them.
Candied Orange Rings
Sweet rings that will delight both young and old. Perfect as gifts or as decorations on desserts. You can never have too many.
- Preparation Time: 370 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
1 kg Sugar, white
1 l Water
500 g Orange, fresh
Wash the oranges well with warm water and dry them. Slice them into 1 cm thick rings. Tie a string to three ends of a kitchen rack, which will allow you to easily lift the rack from the sugar syrup. Arrange the orange rings on the kitchen rack. Cut a circle out of parchment paper that will nicely cover the fruit and place it over them.
Candied Pineapple
Homemade candied fruit is the best treat for children and adults alike, perfect for entertaining guests or as an ingredient in homemade cakes.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 85 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
1120 g Pineapple, compote
600 g Sugar, white
60 ml Syrup, corn
Drain the pineapple and cut it into smaller pieces. Reserve the juice. In a large deep pan, mix 375 ml of the juice, sugar, and corn syrup. Place the pan over medium heat. While the mixture heats, stir continuously with a spoon. Wait for the liquid to boil, then cook for another 4 to 5 minutes until the liquid thickens slightly.
Candied Violet Flowers
Candied flowers can be used to decorate various types of pastries and cakes. Here is our recipe …
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 8 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 handful Pumpkin flowers
300 ml Water
60 g Gelatin powder, unsweetened
5 spoon Sugar, white
Place a small pot on the stove and dissolve 60 g of gelatin in 300 ml of rose water. Remove the pot from the heat and let the liquid cool. Prepare a special bowl and pour sugar into it.
Candy Cane Cookies
For a festive atmosphere and the joy of children, we can prepare these heartwarming cookies that look almost like candy canes.
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
325 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
227 g Butter, unsalted
120 g Powdered sugar
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, imitation
Caramel Ice Cream
A simple homemade caramel ice cream that you can prepare with an ice cream maker or even without.
- Preparation Time: 155 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
250 ml Milk, whole milk
250 ml Sweet cream
150 g Sugar, white
Pour the sugar into a larger pot and heat it over moderate heat. Stir constantly until the sugar becomes liquid and turns a golden color. Then remove the pot from the heat. Slowly pour the milk into the caramelized sugar. The caramel will harden upon contact with the milk, so place the pot back on the heat and stir until the caramel dissolves again in the milk. Add the sweet cream and stir until you get a uniform mixture.
Caramel Napolitanke
A pastry that wont take much time to prepare. Most importantly, we wont need to turn on the oven!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 17 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
7 pieces Waffles
500 g Sugar, white
250 g Butter, unsalted
450 g Nuts, hazelnuts
9 spoon Dressing, caramel
2 dl Sweet cream
Place a small pot on the stove and, while continuously stirring, caramelize the sugar until it turns a light golden color. Then add the butter and cream, and cook for about 15 minutes. Keep stirring constantly to prevent the caramel from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
Caramel Popcorn
This popcorn is slightly unusual but still incredibly delicious. Americans absolutely adore it!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
110 g Clam, with less fat and salt
0.5 dl Oil, peanut
300 g Sugar, white
110 g Sugar, brown
120 ml Syrup, corn
120 ml Water
28 g Butter, unsalted
2 teaspoons Salt, table
2 teaspoons Baking powder
Caramel Pudding
A mixture of eggs, cream, sugar, and spices is whisked and steamed in a water bath.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 90 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
6 pieces Egg, fresh
180 g Sugar, white
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
1 piece Orange, fresh
4 pieces Sugar, white
0.25 l Sweet cream
Wash the lemon and orange and grate their zest with sugar cubes. Whisk the whole eggs with 80 g of sugar and the sugar cubes until frothy using a whisk or electric mixer. Whip the cream until stiff and slowly fold it into the egg mixture.
Caramel Sauce
Homemade caramel sauce is a great way to enhance ice cream, cakes, pastries, pancakes, puddings, and small baked goods. Make it in advance and always have it on hand!
- Preparation Time: 0 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
200 g Sugar, white
2 spoons Water
20 g Butter, unsalted
250 ml Sweet cream
pieces Salt, table
Place a small pot with a thick bottom on the stove and add sugar to it. Pour in water and slowly heat the mixture over medium heat. Once all the sugar has dissolved, slightly increase the temperature and continue cooking the sugar syrup until it turns a beautiful amber color.
Caramel Sauce (Toffee Caramel)
A versatile homemade sauce that can be used to drizzle over ice cream, cakes, pastries, pancakes, puddings, and small baked goods.
- Preparation Time: 0 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
180 g Sugar, white
200 ml Sweet cream
15 g Butter, unsalted
1 pinch Salt, table
In a deeper pan or pot with a light-colored bottom, add sugar and slowly heat it over medium heat while stirring with a fork until it melts. Then, without stirring, continue heating until it turns a beautiful amber, dark golden color.
Caramel Squares
Sweet caramel squares can be wrapped in cellophane and given as candies or surprise your loved ones with a pile of this delicious treat.
- Preparation Time: 370 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
150 g Butter, unsalted
220 g Sugar, brown
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
125 ml Milk, partially skimmed
400 g Milk, whole milk
Line a small square baking dish (20 x 20 cm) with parchment paper. Cut the butter into smaller pieces so it melts faster.
Caramelized Apples
If you have too many apples at home, this is one way to quickly use them up. However, be careful not to overdo it, as they contain a lot of sugar.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
8 pieces Apples, rose
500 g Sugar, brown
1 cup Butter, unsalted
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
100 g Nuts, hazelnuts, roasted without oil, without salt
Caramelized Ribs with Potatoes
Such a delicious dish that youll be licking your fingers for a long time!
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 55 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
- 2 twigs Rosemary, fresh
800 g Potatoes, white
0.5 teaspoons Salt, table
2 spoons Oil, olive
800 g Meat, pork, loaf
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
200 ml Ketchup
4 spoon Honey
1 teaspoon Soy sauce, shoyu
Carnival Doughnuts
A carnival pastry that delights both young and old. Break tradition and prepare them during the weekend as a dessert after Sunday lunch.
- Preparation Time: 120 minutes
- Cooking Time: 24 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 cube Yeast, dry
1 teaspoon Salt, table
5 dl Milk, whole milk
6 spoon Butter, unsalted
6 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Cherry Compote
With cherry compote, you can sweeten your meal or use it in the preparation of cakes, pastries, and baked goods. The preparation is quick and easy, and you will surely enjoy this homemade compote during the gray and cold months.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
4 kg cherries, fresh
3 l Water
800 g Sugar, white
2 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
Cherry Ice Cream
Homemade ice cream, which contains no flavors, colorings, preservatives, or other artificial additives, is the healthiest, so we can enjoy it completely guilt-free.
- Preparation Time: 375 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
100 g Sugar, white
500 g Cherries, fresh
2 cl Alcohol, Liqueur, Crème de Menthe
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
250 g Sweet cream
350 g Yogurt, plain, from skimmed milk
Cherry Marmalade with Cinnamon
Its true that preparing this marmalade will take a bit more of your time. You’ll need to pit all the cherries first. But trust us, your effort will be richly rewarded, as this cherry marmalade is so good that it will surely brighten up many of your mornings.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 28 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg cherries, fresh
Chestnuts with Caramel and Ice Cream
Cooked chestnuts, drizzled with warm caramel and topped with ice cream – one of the best treats.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
300 g Nuts, chestnut, fresh
1 pinch Salt, table
150 g Sugar, white
100 g Ice cream, vanilla
Place the chestnuts in a large colander, rinse them quickly, and then make a cross-shaped cut on the top of each chestnut. Cut just enough to pierce the outer hard shell. Place a pot with 1.5 liters of water on the stove, lightly salt it, and bring to a boil. Add the chestnuts to the pot and cook them over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Once cooked, drain the chestnuts and peel them using a sharp knife.
Chinese New Year Dumplings
Chinese New Year dumplings, or "Jiaozi" as the Chinese call them, are eaten throughout the 15 days of the Chinese New Year celebration, as they are believed to bring wealth. The preparation is simple. They can be filled with various fillings, savory or sweet. Among the savory fillings, the most popular is a mixture of pork and green onions, but this recipe features sweet New Year dumplings.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 17 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
200 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
Chocolate and Rice Krispie Squares
To prepare this, we might need some ingredients that seem unusual at first glance. However, just one bite will be enough to completely amaze you with this treat!
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
4 spoon Butter, unsalted
285 g Sugar, white
200 g Dressing, caramel
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
150 g Amaranth, flakes
250 g chocolate, dark
Chocolate Cake
The preparation is simple, the sponge cake is juicy and light, and the taste is divine. This is an outrageously good chocolate dessert that will surely delight all chocolate lovers on a birthday.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
2 spoons Butter, unsalted
2 piece Egg, fresh
250 g Sugar, white
250 ml Milk, whole milk
125 ml Oil, vegetable oil, canola
Chocolate Crackles Without Eggs
A popular homemade treat that can be enjoyed by all, including those with egg allergies.
- Preparation Time: 210 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
200 g chocolate, dark
50 g Butter, unsalted
2 teaspoons Egg, egg yolk, powdered
1 bag Sugar, white
80 g Powdered sugar
1 pinch Salt, table
200 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 bags Baking powder
pieces Powdered sugar
Chocolate Dipping Cookies
A morning indulgence you wont be able to resist - these cookies will make it much easier to get up in the morning, brew some tea, white coffee, or hot chocolate, and treat yourself. The ingredients yield 24 to 30 cookies.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
110 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
Chocolate Hearts
Since making homemade chocolate hearts is so simple, even men can give it a try. You know - women adore chocolate and gifts.
- Preparation Time: 135 minutes
- Cooking Time: 4 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
190 g Oil, plant, coconut
115 g Powdered sugar
100 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
50 g Milk, powdered, whole milk
2 spoons Alcohol, Coffee liqueur
In a small pot, melt the coconut oil over moderate heat. Once the oil has melted, remove the pot from the heat. In a larger bowl, sift the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, and powdered milk. Mix all the ingredients well with a whisk.
Chocolate Tart with Caramel Cream
The combination of dark chocolate and salted caramel sauce is so exquisite that you probably wont be satisfied with just one slice of this exceptional dessert!
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
Caramel sauce
400 g Sugar, white
60 ml Water
60 ml Syrup, corn
115 g Butter, unsalted
120 ml Sweet cream
2 spoons Sour cream
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Vanilla Cream
A delicious and creamy vanilla filling, sandwiched between two light and fluffy chocolate cushions. This is a description of the popular American treat "whoopie pies," which we have simply named happy whoopies here.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 14 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
170 g Butter, unsalted
190 g Powdered sugar
150 g Cheese, creamy
2 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, imitation
220 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Chocolate-Caramel Squares
If you like bayaderes and similar sweets, this dessert will be completely to your taste. Well, it will also captivate someone else…
- Preparation Time: 230 minutes
- Cooking Time: 102 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
Caramel cream
110 g Sugar, brown
300 g Milk, whole milk
225 g Butter, unsalted
30 g Powdered sugar
50 g Sugar, white
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
Christmas Cake with Lemon Glaze
The decision of when and where to enjoy this holiday cake is yours, we simply recommend savoring it with a cup of your favorite warm beverage.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Lemon ice
70 g Powdered sugar
2 spoons Juice, lemon
pieces Butter, unsalted
150 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
3 pieces Egg, fresh
150 g Cranberries, dried
Christmas Fruit with Nuts
A mixture of fruit, nuts, spices, and alcohol is stored in preserving jars and can be served as is, by the spoonful, or used to fill Christmas pastries. This recipe makes enough for three 350 ml jars, but beware – if they are not sealed properly, the treat won’t last until Christmas!
- Preparation Time: 740 minutes
- Cooking Time: 180 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
225 g Apples, rose
Christmas Reindeer Cookies
This year, Rudolf the reindeer also came to visit us. He looked wonderful, but his little nose was completely frozen. We admired him for a while and even placed him on the Christmas tree. But because he smelled so good, we now feel very sorry for him.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 18 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
90 g Sugar, brown
200 g Syrup, corn
Churros with Caramel Sauce
Churros are famous Spanish or Argentine sweet fried pastries, typically served with hot chocolate. This time, we decided to pair them with a delicious caramel sauce, which complements this globally beloved treat perfectly.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Caramel sauce
250 ml Sweet cream
175 g Sugar, brown
60 g Butter, unsalted
250 ml Water
100 g Butter, unsalted
Cinnamon Cookies
An ideal recipe for all young chefs who are just learning to bake cookies. Despite the guaranteed success and innate skills, they should (just in case) stay close to mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa.
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 11 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
110 g Butter, unsalted
230 g Sugar, white
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
1 piece Egg, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
Cinnamon Rolls
Roll out the fermented dough, spread with filling, roll up, slice, glaze, and bake.
- Preparation Time: 150 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 14
500 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
15 g Yeast, dry
70 g Butter, unsalted
1 pinch Salt, table
1 piece Juice, lemon
80 g Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
2.5 dl Milk, whole milk
3 spoons Alcohol, Rum
Cinnamon Rolls with Hazelnuts and Caramel Syrup
All words are unnecessary. You simply must try this soft and heavenly delicious pastry made from rich fermented dough.
- Preparation Time: 115 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 15
100 g Sugar, brown
1 spoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
60 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Nuts, hazelnuts
150 g Sugar, brown
60 g Butter, unsalted
3 spoons Honey
Yeast dough
60 ml Water
Cinnamon Toast
When we bake cinnamon toast, the festive and luxurious aroma of cinnamon spreads throughout the kitchen. Warm toast, covered with a crispy crust of melted sugar, is the perfect start to the day.
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 2
6 slice Bread, wheat
50 g Sugar, white
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
50 g Butter, unsalted
Turn on the broiler and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a small bowl, mix sugar with cinnamon. Toast the bread until golden brown under the broiler in the oven. Spread butter on the toasted bread, sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture, and place it back on the baking sheet. Put it in the oven under the preheated broiler for 5 minutes to melt the sugar and create bubbles.
Citrus Marmalade
What could be better than homemade marmalade? Citrus marmalade is an indispensable addition to goat and sheep cheese, and it also pairs well with desserts and ice cream.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
25 dag Kumquat, fresh
2 piece Grapefruit, pink, fresh
4 pieces Orange, fresh
2 piece Tangerine
2 piece Lime, fresh
50 dag Sugar, white
Classic Paskha
Paskha is a very popular dessert in Russia, typically served during Easter. The preparation takes quite a bit of time, as we need to start at least 24 hours before serving the dessert.
- Preparation Time: 730 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
900 ml Yogurt, plain, from whole milk
125 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
150 g Butter, unsalted
Coconut Bites
For coconut lovers!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 21 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
5 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
250 g Coconut, flakes
150 g Sugar, white
2 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
25 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
In a large bowl, place the egg whites and coconut flour. Add sugar, vanilla extract, and flour, then mix everything well.
Place the pot on the stove and pour the prepared mixture into it. Cook the mixture over medium heat for about 8 minutes. Stir constantly to prevent the mixture from sticking. Once the mixture thickens, remove the pot from the stove.
Coconut Semolina Cake
This cake is typical of Greece. Its juiciness will completely captivate you, but be careful as it is very sweet and filling.
- Preparation Time: 55 minutes
- Cooking Time: 66 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
4 pieces Egg, fresh
150 g Butter, unsalted
250 g Sugar, white
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
200 ml Milk, whole milk
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
0.75 teaspoons Baking powder
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
Coconut Squares
Coconut Squares (also known as Čupavci) are a popular homemade pastry that is almost a must-have at any celebration, and they are also a favorite holiday treat.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
2 piece Egg, fresh
275 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
225 g Sugar, white
125 ml Oil, vegetable oil, canola
125 ml Milk, whole milk
Coffee Balls
A sweet treat to serve with your afternoon coffee!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 7 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
350 g Walnuts
4 teaspoon Nuts, hazelnuts
330 g Sugar, white
50 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
3 spoons Coffee, espresso
5 spoon Water
Place a small pot on the stove and add about 5 tablespoons of water and 280 g of sugar. Stir constantly and wait for the sugar to dissolve, then remove the syrup from the heat and mix in the walnuts. Shape the mixture into balls.
Coffee Cake with Walnuts and Sugar Syrup
A juicy and rich dessert that pairs perfectly with a cup of strong Turkish coffee. Be mindful of the portion sizes, as the cake is very filling due to the walnuts, sugar, butter, and eggs.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
pieces Butter, unsalted
125 g Butter, unsalted
200 g Sugar, brown
3 pieces Egg, fresh
1 spoon Coffee, espresso
Coffee Cookies
Cookies with a rich coffee flavor. They are so delicate and buttery that they melt in your mouth. Serve them with a warm beverage, but they are best enjoyed with a cup of good coffee.
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Powdered sugar
30 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Coffee Crème Brûlée
A dessert that might even wake us up after a hearty meal…
- Preparation Time: 250 minutes
- Cooking Time: 55 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
450 g Sweet cream
1 spoon Coffee, espresso
4 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
100 g Sugar, white
2 spoons Alcohol, Coffee liqueur
6 teaspoon Sugar, white
Pour the sweet cream into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat until it comes to a gentle boil. Then add the instant coffee powder to the cream and stir until the coffee is completely dissolved. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the coffee cream cool completely.
Coffee Egg Foam
This dessert resembles a wine zabaione, as it is called in Italy. The only difference is that it does not contain wine, but coffee. And it is precisely because of the addition of coffee that we recommend this dessert after a hearty meal.
- Preparation Time: 7 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
100 g Sugar, white
Cold Bell Pepper Soup
A summer party on the home terrace is approaching, and you dont know what to serve your guests? No worries, heres a recipe for a cold summer soup that will provide first-class refreshment!
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 38 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Bell pepper, yellow, fresh
1 piece Onion, raw
1 piece Leek
400 g Tomato, red
50 g Butter, unsalted
Cookies with Candied Fruit and Nuts
Cookies so rich that the dough is just a sample - they are packed with pieces of candied fruit and nuts.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
1 cup Butter, unsalted
1.25 cups Sugar, brown
2 piece Egg, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
2.5 cups Flour, Wheat, bread flour
1 teaspoon Baking powder
500 g Date, fresh or dried
Cookies with Colorful Candy
Children will surely be happy to help you prepare these cookies. If they are old enough, you can let them take over the entire preparation. And dont forget to have some extra candies on hand, as they might run out before you even need them for the cookies.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
350 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Cottage Cheese Cake
Since we dont need an oven for preparation, the light cottage cheese cake is an excellent summer dessert. For even more enjoyment, serve it with fresh fruit or any fruit topping.
- Preparation Time: 320 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
5 g Gelatin powder, unsweetened
500 ml Milk, whole milk
1 bag Pudding, vanilla
100 g Sugar, white
500 g Cheese, cottage cheese
Cranberry Biscotti
Cranberry biscotti are twice-baked cookies that last a long time because they are dry. They are best when dipped in tea or coffee. The ingredients in this recipe make about 20 to 24 biscotti.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
115 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
1 teaspoon Baking powder
Cream Caramel
A mixture of juicy and tempting flavors!
- Preparation Time: 93 minutes
- Cooking Time: 55 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
3 dl Sweet cream
1.5 dl Milk, skimmed
1 pinch Salt, table
2 drops Vanilla, extract, natural
170 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Place a pot on the stove, pour in the cream and milk, and add salt and vanilla extract. Wait for the mixture to boil, then remove it from the heat and let it rest for half an hour.
Cream Cubes
Cream cubes are somewhat related to the Bled cream slice, colloquially known as "kremšnita". Both desserts are essentially made from cooked vanilla cream sandwiched between two layers of baked puff pastry, with the kremšnita also including a layer of whipped cream. Both desserts are suitable for celebrations and gatherings, and some can hardly imagine holidays without a plate of cream cubes or cream slices.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
200 ml Sweet cream
Creme brulee
Egg custard baked in a water bath with a caramelized crust. This is creme brulee (orig. crème brûlée), a sinfully delicious French dessert, for which we only need five ingredients: egg yolks, heavy cream, milk, vanilla bean, and sugar.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
375 g Sweet cream
125 g Milk, whole milk
80 g Sugar, white
Crème brûlée
Crème brûlée is a famous cream made from sweet cream and eggs, flavored with vanilla bean, cinnamon, and lemon and orange zest, which is cooked, cooled, and caramelized. It is also known by the names Catalan cream, Trinity cream, and vanilla cream with caramel.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
4 dl Milk, partially skimmed
6 dl Sweet cream
Crispy Walnut Crescents
Sweet cookies that our grandmothers used to bake.
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
15 dag Margarine
25 dag Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
10 dag Walnuts
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
7 dag Powdered sugar
1 bag Vanilla, extract, natural
10 dag Powdered sugar
1 bag Vanilla, extract, natural
Cut the butter into pieces. Sift the flour into a larger bowl and crumble it with the butter pieces. Add the walnuts, egg yolk, and sugar, and quickly knead all the ingredients into a smooth, crumbly dough. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in foil, and place it in the refrigerator for one hour.
Crunchy Apples
Apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, oatmeal, and butter are the basic ingredients of this simple apple dessert. You dont need advanced cooking skills or a lot of time to prepare it, so we are confident that this dessert will be made frequently in your kitchen.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
7 pieces Apples, rose
2 spoons Juice, lemon
Cucumber Granita
If youve never tried making a dessert from cucumbers, its time to try cucumber granita. The dessert has a great taste and is very refreshing, making it perfect for summer garden parties.
- Preparation Time: 255 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 teaspoon Lemon zest, fresh
120 ml Juice, lime
170 g Sugar, white
240 ml Water
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
Dandelion Jelly
Towards the end of spring, meadows turn yellow as dandelions bloom. These flowers are not only beautiful but also useful in the kitchen. From them, you can prepare an excellent jelly that rivals honey in taste.
- Preparation Time: 120 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
4 cup Elderberry, flower, fresh
4 cup Water
pieces Juice, lemon
1 bag Gelatin powder, unsweetened
Dandelion Syrup
Dandelion syrup is used in folk medicine to aid digestion, improve blood quality, and enhance overall well-being. It can also be used to relieve coughs or sore throats - in this case, it is consumed by the spoonful. When diluted with plain or mineral water, it transforms into an excellent refreshing drink.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
200 g Elderberry, flower, fresh
Dango Mochi
Dango Mochi is a traditional Japanese sweet often prepared during their festivals and celebrations. Due to its simple preparation and interesting appearance, it is popular among the younger generation. Roasted versions also appear at festivals.
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
450 g Flour, rice
370 g Sugar, white
1 bag Baking powder
2 cups Water, bottled
375 ml Coconut milk
Danish Doughnuts
Round, apple-sized doughnuts, with or without filling, generously dusted with powdered sugar, are characteristic of New Years celebrations in Denmark. Of course, you can also prepare them for other occasions.
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 15
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
1 piece Apple, fresh
500 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
75 g Raisins
0.5 l Milk, whole milk
Date Balls
Quick treats that dont require baking!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Date, fresh or dried
150 g Powdered sugar
100 g Walnuts
1 spoon Alcohol, Rum
1.5 spoons Sugar, white
80 g Cooking chocolate, unsweetened
4 spoon chocolate, dark
First, remove the pits from the dates, then cut them into smaller pieces and finely grind them in a food processor. Prepare a large bowl and mix the dates with powdered sugar.
Date Squares
Perfectly suitable to prepare and serve for the holidays!
- Preparation Time: 13 minutes
- Cooking Time: 33 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
337 g Date, fresh or dried
250 ml Water
75 g Sugar, brown
1 spoon Juice, lemon
337 g Oat bran, raw
337 g Flour, Whole wheat
0.75 teaspoons Baking powder
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
225 g Sugar, brown
170 g Butter, unsalted
Dobos Torte
A delicious cake with a caramel topping and hazelnut filling that will create an excellent dessert.
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
cake layers
7 pieces Egg, fresh
150 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
150 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
200 g Sugar, white
1 teaspoon Butter, unsalted
0.5 l Milk, skimmed
1 bag Pudding, vanilla
The contestants of the 4th season of the cooking competition Slovenia tested their skills in the challenge of making sweet donuts in pairs. One contestant had to prepare the dough and fry the donuts, while the other had to fill them with cream and decorate them as desired. If you would also like to enjoy these delicious donuts, follow the recipe below, and let your imagination run wild with the fillings and toppings.
Dumplings with Poppy Seeds
What if we tried dumplings with poppy seeds and wheat semolina, which we then dip in a white wine sauce. Sophisticated, isnt it!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 21 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
0.25 l Milk, whole milk
3 pinch Salt, table
3 dag Butter, unsalted
1 piece Sugar, white
6 dag Semolina
8 dag Breadcrumbs, dried
3 dag Sugar, white
Easter Bunnies
Small, heartwarming, and delicious sweet Easter bunnies will delight both children and adults. They will perfectly complement Easter potica and Easter decorations.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
185 g Butter, unsalted
125 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
2 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
1 pinch Salt, table
550 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 bag Egg, egg yolk, powdered
Easter Chick Cookies
Although the traditional Slovenian sweet dish, which must not be missing from the holiday table, is potica, do not forget about other sweet treats that will delight both young and old sweet tooths. A great idea are cute cookies in the shape of chicks.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
280 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
Easter Egg Cookies
These adorable cookies are a sweet alternative to traditional Easter bread. We decided to dip them in chocolate, but you can get creative and decorate them with various colorful sugar glazes.
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 19 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
250 g Butter, unsalted
140 g Powdered sugar
1 pinch Salt, table
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, imitation
Easter Šarkelj with Egg Liqueur
If you dont feel like making potica or braided bread for Easter, you can prepare a very tasty šarkelj with egg liqueur. The preparation is quick and simple, so youll have more time left for decorating the dessert.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
pieces Sugar, white
pieces Butter, unsalted
5 pieces Egg, fresh
150 g Sugar, white
Elderflower and Apple Crème Brûlée
Crème brûlée or baked custard is a famous French dessert first mentioned in a French cookbook from the 18th century. The basic preparation requires only egg yolks, sugar, and cream, but with elderflowers and caramelized apples, this renowned dessert becomes even more regal.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Apples with lemon zest
1 piece Apple, fresh
pieces Lemon zest, fresh
Elderflower Syrup
A very simple recipe for making a delicious homemade elderflower syrup that will enchant you with its color, aroma, and excellent taste. Diluted with cold plain or mineral water, it is the perfect refreshment during the intense summer heat. If you plan to use the syrup as an addition to ice cream, desserts, or pastries, we recommend omitting the citric acid.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 1
1 l Water
Elderflower Syrup with Strawberries
The trendy drink of this summer, which you can prepare yourself with a bit of effort and patience. The syrup has a pleasant taste of strawberries and elderflower, and with the addition of citric acid and lemon, it is also refreshingly delightful. You can dilute it with plain or mineral water.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
25 pieces Elderberry, flower, fresh
English Custard
You have most likely heard of English or vanilla custard (orig. crème anglaise). It is a basic dessert cream used in the preparation of many sweets, and it can be served hot or cold. It can be a topping for sweet rolls, cakes, and other desserts. It is also served on its own with wafers, and it is the base for ice cream.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
500 ml Milk, whole milk
English Tea Scones (Scones)
Scones are simple, very popular biscuits in England, typically served for breakfast. They are best when still warm, spread with butter and good homemade jam. If you add a bit of mascarpone or lemon curd, the enjoyment is even greater.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
350 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
1.75 teaspoons Baking powder
English Wedding Cake
The English say that the cake is best if baked 14 days before the wedding and stored well wrapped in aluminum foil. Just before serving, decorate it with icing, candies, and sugar roses.
- Preparation Time: 160 minutes
- Cooking Time: 90 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
250 g Butter, unsalted
250 g Sugar, white
5 pieces Egg, fresh
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
Espresso Granita
The preparation might be a bit time-consuming, but the effort is definitely worth it.
- Preparation Time: 190 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
750 ml Coffee, espresso
160 g Sugar, white
375 ml Sweet cream
40 g Sugar, white
2 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
Pour freshly brewed coffee into a bowl and add sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the coffee cool to room temperature, then pour it into a 20 x 30 cm container that is at least 5 cm deep, which can be placed in the freezer.
Fermented Angels
Milk buns are much more fun when shaped like angels and decorated with raisins. Serve them for breakfast and no one will leave the house hungry.
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
- 100 g Raisins
1 kg Flour, Wheat, bread flour
5 dl Milk, whole milk
40 g Sugar, white
125 g Butter, unsalted
5 g Salt, table
Fermented Rolls with Forest Fruits
Juicy, light, and soft pastry that melts in your mouth, like other fermented dough pastries, is best when still warm. When preparing the rolls, take your time, as youll need to put in a bit of effort for a beautiful final appearance. This dessert is also suitable for special occasions such as Valentines Day and Mothers Day, and it fits perfectly on a cold winter or autumn day. With a cup of warm drink, of course.
Fig Jam
Prepare small jars and fill them with fig jam. Let its flavor enchant you!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
1 kg Figs, fresh
50 dag Sugar, white
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
Thoroughly wash the figs, then peel and halve them. Place a pot on the stove and add about 50 grams of sugar. Heat it on low temperature to create caramel. Add the figs and cook the mixture for about 10 minutes. Stir continuously while cooking.
Flaming Bananas
Flaming bananas are a dessert that impresses guests with their taste and the aroma created by the burning rum. Give it a try - the preparation is not too demanding, but the effect is unforgettable!
- Preparation Time: 8 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
200 ml Sweet cream
1 teaspoon Sugar, white
2.5 spoons Butter, unsalted
4 pieces Banana, fresh
4 spoon Sugar, brown
Flourless Chocolate Cookies
Crispy on the outside, yet still soft inside. These cookies are sure to satisfy all your chocolate cravings. They contain no flour or dairy products, but be mindful of the quantity, as these delicious treats contain a lot of sugar.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
60 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
270 g Powdered sugar
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
Fortune Cookies
This is a wonderful recipe for fortune cookies, which are served in Chinese restaurants and contain slips of paper with beautiful inscriptions and life wisdom.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 6 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
20 g Sugar, white
15 g Butter, unsalted
20 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
5 drops Vanilla, extract, imitation
Melt the butter in a pot over low heat. Place the egg whites in a larger bowl and slowly beat them until they start to foam. Add powdered sugar and the melted butter. Continue to beat until you get a smooth batter, then add five drops of yellow food coloring and mix well. Finally, fold in the flour. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
French Buttercream
Unlike Italian or Swiss buttercream, French buttercream is made from egg yolks. It is slightly less stable than its relatives, so it cannot be used to frost a cake, but it can be used to decorate cookies and other small pastries, as well as a filling for eclairs, profiteroles, croissants, etc.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
100 g Sugar, white
French Carnival Squares
French Carnival donuts are square and are called "Mardi Gras Beignets".
- Preparation Time: 155 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
3 dl Water, bottled
115 g Sugar, white
1 bag Yeast, dry
50 g Butter, unsalted
2 piece Egg, fresh
3 dl Milk, whole milk
875 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
1 teaspoon Salt, table
pieces Oil, vegetable oil, canola
220 g Powdered sugar
French Toast with Caramel Sauce and Bananas
If you have trouble waking up in the morning, this breakfast will surely wake you up. The kitchen will be filled with the intoxicating aroma of cinnamon and caramel, and once you hear whats being prepared, youll be sitting at the table in no time. You wont be able to resist freshly baked French toast with caramel sauce, bananas, and hazelnuts, will you?!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Caramel sauce
115 g Butter, unsalted
Ghost Meringues
For the spookiest night of the year, we can prepare cozy little ghost meringues that will brighten the party and delight us.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
5 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
115 g Sugar, white
115 g Powdered sugar
50 g chocolate, dark
Place the egg whites in a bowl and use a hand mixer to beat them into stiff peaks. Gradually add granulated sugar spoon by spoon while mixing. The meringue is ready when it forms soft peaks that slowly droop.
Gingerbread Cake with Cranberries
Sticky, fragrant, and divinely good cranberry cakes are perfect for (pre-)holiday indulgence. Treat yourself to them with a glass of homemade mulled wine or holiday punch and enjoy carefree lounging on the couch.
- Preparation Time: 12 minutes
- Cooking Time: 65 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
pieces Butter, unsalted
260 g Cranberries, fresh
200 g Sugar, white
1 spoon Water
115 g Butter, unsalted
115 g Sugar, brown
Gingerbread Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree that can be used as a candle holder. Once it has served its purpose, we can disassemble it and enjoy it as a sweet treat.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
beljakova glazura
200 g Powdered sugar
0.5 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
1 teaspoon Juice, lemon
750 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
3 spoons Honey
Gingerbread Ghosts
Perfectly made for Halloween. Additionally, they can also be prepared for a birthday or party.
- Preparation Time: 65 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1.5 teaspoons Spices, ginger, ground
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Spices, nutmeg, ground
0.5 teaspoons Salt, table
50 g Butter, unsalted
Gingerbread Holiday Cookies
Intensely aromatic and very tasty holiday cookies will be an excellent companion to a cup of hot tea or coffee.
- Preparation Time: 150 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
200 g Powdered sugar
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
360 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1.5 teaspoons Baking powder
0.75 teaspoons Baking powder
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
1 teaspoon Spices, ginger, ground
Gingerbread Horses
Gingerbread cookies in the shape of horses are a characteristic feature of the Scandinavian holiday table. The Swedes call them Dalahäst.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 8 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
60 g Butter, unsalted
110 g Sugar, white
125 ml Syrup, maple
800 g Flour, Whole wheat
1 teaspoon Baking powder
0.25 teaspoons Spices, cloves, ground
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
Glass Cookies
A great decoration or sweet surprise for the holidays. When you hang them on the Christmas tree, the light will beautifully reflect through the sugar glass in the center of the cookies.
- Preparation Time: 200 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
110 g Butter, unsalted
110 g Sugar, white
55 g Sugar, brown
1 spoon Sugar, maple
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
Glazed Cherries
Glazed cherries are indispensable in the preparation of desserts, cocktails, and fruit cups, but we can also enjoy them just for a good mood. The preparation is not too difficult, and their advantage is that you will never have to look for them in stores again.
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
450 g cherries, fresh
0.5 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
Greek Almond Cookies
These cookies will delight all those who love marzipan. Packaged in a pretty box, they make a great holiday gift, and they are also suitable for those who are allergic to gluten. The cookies do not contain flour, and in fact, you only need three ingredients to make them: egg whites, sugar, and almonds in various forms.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
3 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Greek Walnut Cake
A rich and luxurious Greek cake will fill your kitchen with intoxicating aromas.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
1 spoon Butter, unsalted
90 g Sugar, white
2 spoons Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
60 g Breadcrumbs, dried
25 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
150 g Walnuts
0.25 teaspoons Spices, cloves, ground
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Salt, table
Greek Yogurt with Caramelized Apples
A simple dessert in a glass that you can prepare in advance, it can also serve as a delicious breakfast. Add granola or crushed cookies if desired.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Apple, fresh
60 g Butter, unsalted
1 spoon Juice, lemon
100 g Sugar, brown
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 handful Nuts, hazelnuts
Halva is an Oriental or Asian dessert, known and popular all over the world. Recipes from different countries vary, but it is always very sweet and rich in fat and spices. To the basic ingredients (semolina or starch, butter, almonds or other nuts), we add raisins or dates, various fruits, and spices (cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, cloves, or rose water).
- Preparation Time: 0 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
200 g Nuts, almonds
Halva with Greek Saffron
A Greek dessert made from wheat semolina, sugar, milk, and a pinch of saffron, which pairs perfectly with a cup of good coffee.
- Preparation Time: 70 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
9 spoon Butter, unsalted
2 cups Semolina
2 cups Milk, whole milk
0.75 cups Sugar, brown
1 pinch Saffron, dry
Melt the butter in a small pot. Add the semolina and fry it while stirring for about 8 minutes until it turns golden brown.
Happy Little Deer
Adorable holiday cookies that will delight the kids.
- Preparation Time: 65 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
350 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
200 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
1 piece Egg, fresh
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
2 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
180 g Butter, unsalted
pieces chocolate, dark
45 g Powdered sugar
pieces Water
50 g chocolate, dark
Happy Whoopie Pies
Whoopie, or whoopie pies, are small "sandwich pies". They consist of two cookies with a delicious cream filling in between.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
Butter cream
230 g Butter, unsalted
200 g Powdered sugar
pieces Juice, lemon
600 g chocolate, dark
150 g Butter, unsalted
140 g Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Hazelnut and Almond Brittle
Brittle is made from a mixture of nuts and caramelized sugar. If we crumble it into small pieces, it can be sprinkled over ice cream or cake.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
170 g Nuts, hazelnuts
170 g Nuts, almonds
440 g Sugar, white
30 g Butter, unsalted
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Prepare two baking sheets. Spread hazelnuts on one and almonds on the other. Make sure the nuts are arranged in a single layer on each sheet. Place both sheets in the preheated oven for 10 minutes. Halfway through baking, shake them well so that the nuts roast evenly.
Hazelnut Napoleons
With these, you can delight practically everyone: aunts, uncles, the old, the young, but be careful not to make it a habit. The more they indulge in them, the fewer slices will be left for you!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
5 pieces Cone, waffle
1 dl Milk, skimmed
25 dag Sugar, white
15 dag Margarine
100 g Nuts, hazelnuts
Heart Cookies with Colorful Sprinkles
Homemade cookies can also be an original and beautiful gift. Pack them in a nice packaging and give them to your loved ones.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
200 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Sugar, white
1 bag Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
300 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Heart-Shaped Doughnuts
How can we solve the dilemma when Valentines Day and Carnival are almost on the same day? With adorable heart-shaped doughnuts, of course! We can offer them without any toppings, or for even more enjoyment, fill them with jam or cream and drizzle them with sugar or chocolate glaze.
- Preparation Time: 100 minutes
- Cooking Time: 18 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
21 g Yeast, dry
Heart-Shaped Pancakes
Heart-shaped pancakes with maple syrup and raspberries are a quick dessert that can surprise your loved one any day of the year.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 2
pieces Butter, unsalted
70 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.75 teaspoons Baking powder
1 pinch Salt, table
1.5 spoons Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
20 g Butter, unsalted
120 ml Whey, sour, liquid
Hemp Cupcakes with Mint Chocolate Cream
These delightful little cakes are made with hemp flour … not the forbidden kind, but the healthy hemp that adds a fragrant and slightly earthy flavor to the cupcakes.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
200 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
50 g Flour, Whole wheat
2 teaspoons Baking powder
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
150 ml Yogurt, plain, from whole milk
Holiday Gingerbread Stars
These are traditional gingerbread cookies originating from Sweden, evoking memories of holiday celebrations. However, they are not limited to just the winter season.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 1
- Number of Servings: 6
115 g Butter, unsalted
115 g Sugar, brown
50 g Powdered sugar
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
200 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
1 teaspoon Spices, ginger, ground
Holiday Stars
Preparing cookies is so simple that you can even let the kids enjoy this pleasant task.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
200 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Sugar, white
1 bag Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
2 spoons Sour cream
300 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
Homemade Bajadera
To prepare homemade bajadera, we dont need an oven. This excellent dessert is also very hard to mess up, so even those who are not very skilled in the kitchen can give it a try.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
Bajadera (chocolate-nut dessert)
300 g Sugar, white
9 spoon Water
220 g Butter, unsalted
200 g Breadcrumbs, dried
Homemade Bajadera with Walnuts
Who doesnt know the legendary Bajadera, which ranks among the best desserts? As an interesting fact: the factory where it is produced doesnt know exactly when it was created, so they consider the year 1954 as the year of origin, when it appeared on store shelves as a standalone product. The recipe for the homemade version we offer below is a very good approximation of the original, and the best part is that you dont need an oven to prepare it.
Homemade Condensed Milk
Do you often find yourself not starting a dessert recipe because you need condensed milk? Now you wont have to search for it in stores, as you can easily make it yourself!
- Preparation Time: 0 minutes
- Cooking Time: 130 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 5
1 l Milk, whole milk
225 g Sugar, white
Pour the milk into a wide pot with a thick bottom and add the sugar. Place the pot on the stove and slowly bring the milk to a boil over medium heat.
Homemade Ladyfinger Cookies
We all know them - and now we can make them at home too! From the ingredients, we can make 4 and a half dozen 7.5 cm long homemade ladyfinger cookies.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 14
65 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
3 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
60 g Sugar, white
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, natural
Homemade Marshmallows
Marshmallow, or mallow, is a plant from which a sticky and gelatinous liquid has been extracted for a long time, used as a remedy for sore throats. However, since the liquid itself has an unpleasant taste, it was mixed with sugar and water, causing the mixture to slightly puff up. This is how the well-known sugar puffs were created. Today, marshmallows are made from sugar, corn syrup, water, and gelatin.
Homemade Napolitanke
Simple preparation, excellent taste, they look just like the real thing… and we could go on! Dont forget they pair perfectly with an afternoon coffee or tea.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
4 pieces Cone, waffle
200 ml Milk, whole milk
50 g Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
40 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 bag Powdered sugar
Honey Cookies in the Škofja Loka Style
Honey cookies in an Easter style will brighten up your holiday table.
- Preparation Time: 185 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Honey
2 kg Rye flour
250 g Sugar, white
1 cup Butter, unsalted
2 piece Sugar, white
1 spoon Water
10 g Spices, cinnamon, ground
5 g Spices, cloves, ground
1 pinch Spices, pepper, black
1 pinch Spices, ginger, ground
Honey Hearts
Homemade gingerbread cookies are always better than store-bought ones, and while baking, the house fills with a festive and luxurious aroma of honey and spices.
- Preparation Time: 70 minutes
- Cooking Time: 24 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 15
150 g Honey
150 g Sugar, brown
150 g Butter, unsalted
700 g Flour, Whole wheat
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Spices, cardamom
1 pinch Spices, cloves, ground
Hot Berry Sauce
A simple and quickly prepared berry sauce is especially enhanced when poured over a white or very light dessert.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 7 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
250 g Strawberries
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
50 g Sugar, white
Wash the lemon, cut it in half, and squeeze the juice from both halves. Clean and wash the fresh berries (you can also use frozen ones), place them in a pot, pour the lemon juice over them, and sprinkle with sugar. Place the pot on the stove and quickly cook everything so that the berries release some juice but do not break down completely. Once the liquid has slightly boiled, remove the pot from the heat.
Ikea Almond Cake
An excellent Swedish almond cake, better known online as the Ikea almond cake. This dessert is gluten-free and features a light almond sponge and a rich vanilla buttercream. Youll fall in love with it after the first bite!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
70 g Sugar, white
150 g Nuts, almonds
Indian Cookies
Who doesnt remember Indian cookies, those sweet and fluffy treats that we loved so much in our childhood?! Preparing homemade Indian cookies is truly not as complicated as you might think, so its best to roll up your sleeves and make this beloved childhood treat today!
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
Egg white foam
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Italian Meringue
A delicious cream made from egg whites and sugar syrup is the perfect choice when combined with whipped cream and fruit purees. It is also useful for covering cakes, pies, rolls, and other desserts. It can be used to make meringue kisses and macarons, and it is also added to mousses and batters to make them lighter and airier.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
200 g Powdered sugar
Italian Rice Cake
The rice cake is an enhanced version of the popular rice pudding. Candied orange zest and vanilla provide additional aroma. If desired, you can also mix pine nuts into the rice mixture before baking.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 80 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
1 l Milk, whole milk
140 g Sugar, white
pieces Orange, shell
1 pinch Salt, table
180 g Rice, white, short grain
Japanese Fluffy Pancakes
Inspired by the Japanese three-ingredient cake that took the internet by storm a few years ago, these Japanese fluffy pancakes, also known as Japanese soufflé pancakes, are equally delightful. Their preparation is quick and simple, and the pancakes are as fluffy as a cloud, melting in your mouth.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Jellies with Foam and Gin
The perfect dessert for New Years Eve or any other party throughout the year, just make sure it doesnt end up in the hands of children. For them, you can prepare a version with non-alcoholic sparkling wine and juice, and you can safely omit the sugar.
- Preparation Time: 12 minutes
- Cooking Time: 3 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
5 dl Alcohol, Wine, White
100 g Sugar, white
Juicy Apple Pie with Walnuts and Meringue Cream
There are never too many recipes for delicious desserts made from simple homemade ingredients. And juicy apple pie with walnuts and meringue cream is definitely one of them. This pastry pairs wonderfully with a cup of warm drink, making it an excellent choice for cold days when you don’t feel like going anywhere.
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Apple filling
600 g Apple, fresh
Juicy Gin and Tonic Cake
If you enjoy gin and tonic, you will surely love this cake, which incorporates the key ingredients of the popular cocktail for juiciness, flavor, and aroma: gin, tonic, and lime.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
150 g Sugar, white
200 g Butter, unsalted
4 pieces Egg, fresh
pieces Lime, fresh
200 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2.5 teaspoons Baking powder
Juicy Melon Balls
Preparing juicy melon balls is more than easy!
- Preparation Time: 6 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
1 spoon Sugar, white
4 twig Mint
1 piece Melon
1 piece Melon
1 piece Watermelon, raw
Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice using a hand juicer. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the lemon juice and mix until it completely dissolves. Thoroughly wash and dry the mint sprigs. Cut the regular and green melon in half and remove the seeds with the tip of a knife. Use a melon baller to scoop out the melon flesh.
Juicy Semolina Dessert "Lebanese Nights"
Layali Lubnan, which translates to "Lebanese Nights," is a traditional Arabic dessert made from fragrant semolina pudding, thick cream, pistachios, and sugar syrup. The dessert is very juicy and flavorful, and it will also delight you with its intoxicating aroma.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
160 ml Milk, whole milk
3.5 spoons Koruzni škrob
360 ml Sweet cream
Juicy Walnut Pastry
A very sweet and filling dessert that pairs perfectly with a cup of strong Turkish coffee.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
4 pieces Egg, fresh
2 cups Sugar, white
1 cup Milk, whole milk
1 cup Oil, vegetable oil, canola
1 cup Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 cup Semolina
2 cups Walnuts
- 1 handful Walnuts
600 ml Water
Kalamansi Jelly
Kalamansi is a very sour Asian citrus fruit, also known as the Chinese orange. Since the fruit is not available here, confectioners use kalamansi puree to prepare the jelly.
- Preparation Time: 180 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
500 g Tangerine
500 g Sugar, white
15 g Pectin, unsweetened, dry mix
100 g Sugar, white
pieces Powdered sugar
Pour the kalamansi puree into a pot. Mix part of the sugar with pectin and sprinkle it into the pot with the puree. While stirring, cook until the puree comes to a boil. Then add the remaining sugar and continue stirring and cooking until the jelly reaches a temperature of 107 degrees Celsius.
King Cake
Mardi Gras (translated: Fat Tuesday) is a holiday equivalent to our Shrove Tuesday. While our tables are laden with greasy and sweet doughnuts, pancakes, and fritters, in New Orleans, they traditionally serve King Cake on this day.
- Preparation Time: 205 minutes
- Cooking Time: 37 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
235 ml Milk, whole milk
55 g Butter, unsalted
14 g Yeast, dry
100 g Sugar, white
Korean Sweet Pancakes
A quickly prepared dessert that will fill the kitchen with the aroma of melted sugar and cinnamon.
- Preparation Time: 190 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 3
- 4 spoon Oil, plant, sunflower
1.25 cups Flour, Wheat, bread flour
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
6 spoon Milk, whole milk
0.25 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
2 spoons Walnuts
6 spoon Sugar, brown
3 spoons Water
Krampus Cookies
Homemade Krampus cookies are the most fun and also the most delicious. At the same time, there is no St. Nicholas without these pastry cookies!
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
16 pieces Nuts, almonds
32 pieces Raisins
1 kg Flour, Wheat, bread flour
5 dl Milk, whole milk
40 g Sugar, white
125 g Butter, unsalted
Lavender Cookies
Treat your loved ones with a very special and fragrant gift!
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
115 g Butter, unsalted
6 spoon Powdered sugar
175 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 spoon Spices, caraway seeds
In a bowl with an electric mixer, cream the softened butter and powdered sugar. Add the flour and dried lavender flowers. Mix everything well to form a uniform and smooth dough. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Lemon Bars
An excellent pastry that will surely disappear (too) quickly!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
50 g Powdered sugar
70 g Sugar, brown
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
170 g Butter, unsalted
400 g Sugar, white
6 spoon Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 pinch Salt, table
1 spoon Lemon zest, fresh
Lemon Cake
To prepare a very simple lemon cake, originally called "lemon pound cake," the original recipe requires equal amounts of flour, sugar, butter, and eggs (1 pound or 0.45 kg). Today, the ratios have changed slightly, and some new ingredients have been added to make the cake even more tender, juicy, and divinely delicious.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
pieces Butter, unsalted
Lemon Cake with Orange Glaze
The preparation is so simple that even the biggest beginners will surely succeed.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
225 g Butter, unsalted
225 g Powdered sugar
4 pieces Egg, fresh
225 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2 teaspoons Baking powder
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
4 spoon Alcohol, Liqueur, Crème de Menthe
1 piece Orange, fresh
Lemon Cookies
In a flash, well prepare 3 to 4 dozen cookies from the ingredients, as they only bake for 15 minutes.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
4 spoon Juice, lemon
110 g Powdered sugar
125 ml Water
110 g Butter, unsalted
450 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
425 g Cheese, ricotta
3 spoons Juice, lemon
Lemon Crackles
Crackles are crispy on the outside, yet so soft inside that they melt in your mouth. Their flavor is pleasantly refreshing, thanks to the lemon juice and zest, which will make your kitchen smell wonderfully of lemon while baking.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
100 g Sugar, white
pieces Lemon zest, fresh
80 g Butter, unsalted
Lemon Granita
Granita is a popular, semi-frozen Italian dessert made from fruit, sugar, and water. It is similar to sorbet, but its charm lies in the small ice crystals. To prepare this refreshing lemon granita, you don’t need a machine or complicated ingredients—just lemons, sugar, water, a suitable container, and a freezer. We assure you that granita will quickly become your favorite dessert, especially during a heatwave when even ice cream isn’t refreshing and cool enough.
Lemon Sorbet in a Shell
A delightful and refreshing dessert to conclude a hearty lunch or dinner.
- Preparation Time: 220 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
150 g Sugar, white
300 ml Juice, lemon
2 cl Alcohol, Coffee liqueur
4 pieces Lemon zest, fresh
Place a saucepan with sugar and 150 ml of water on the stove. Heat slowly over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for a few minutes until it thickens and resembles a sugar syrup. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add the lemon juice and limoncello, mix well, and let it cool to room temperature. Once cooled, place the liquid in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Lemon Souffle
Avoid the temptation and do not open the oven while baking souffles, as this will ensure your souffles have beautiful "caps" and the batter will be airy and light as a feather.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 14 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
pieces Butter, unsalted
1 spoon Sugar, white
90 ml Sweet cream
1 spoon Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
3 teaspoons Koruzni škrob
Lemon Yogurt Cake
Fill your kitchen with the enchanting aroma of freshly baked lemon cake. The preparation is very simple, and the dessert is best enjoyed with a cup of warm beverage.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2 teaspoons Baking powder
1 pinch Salt, table
240 ml Yogurt, plain, from whole milk
180 g Sugar, white
Limoncello is a popular Italian liqueur made from strong spirits, sugar, and lemon zest. It is an excellent digestif, as it aids in digestion. Serve it straight from the freezer after a meal.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
10 pieces Lemon zest, fresh
1 l Alcohol, Brandy
1 l Water
500 g Sugar, white
Wash the lemons thoroughly under running water (scrub them with a kitchen brush if necessary) and dry them completely. Then, thinly peel them (see warnings). Place the zest in a large jar for infusion and pour alcohol over it. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit in a dark place for 10 to 14 days.
Little Angels
Do you need little angels? Make them yourself. The ingredients are enough to prepare 16 little angels, each of which is 12.5 cm tall (or rather long).
- Preparation Time: 115 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
750 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
0.75 teaspoons Baking powder
170 g Butter, unsalted
115 g Sugar, brown
1 spoon Spices, ginger, ground
1 spoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
Why not make lollipops at home? Children can help with the preparation of molds and arranging the finished lollipops, but only under parental supervision - melted sugar is very hot and can cause severe burns!
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 15
10 g Butter, unsalted
125 g Sugar, white
125 ml Water
60 ml Syrup, maple
60 ml Syrup, corn
Lucias Cats
The days in northern Europe are short, and the nights are long and very dark. By baking Lucias cats and remembering Saint Lucia, the Swedes invite longer and warmer days to return. So far, they have always succeeded… The holiday and tradition itself originate from older, pagan times when the light was carried away by a cat, a symbol of evil forces. This is also where the somewhat unusual shape of the pastry comes from.
Mango Chutney with Apple
Chutney is served with cooked or roasted meat. It represents an interesting combination of fruits, vegetables, and aromatic spices, while blending sweet, salty, sour, and spicy flavors.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 70 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 1
- Number of Servings: 8
3 spoons Oil, vegetable oil, canola
2 piece Onion, raw
pieces Ginger, fresh
1 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
0.5 teaspoons Spices, coriander - seeds
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cumin seeds
Mango Panna Cotta
An original dessert with a big impact. If you also take care of a warm decoration, it will be talked about for a long time…
- Preparation Time: 80 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
3 pieces Mango, fresh
1 piece Juice, lemon
1 piece Vanilla, extract, natural
150 g Sugar, white
1 cup Yogurt, plain, from skimmed milk
3 pieces Gelatin powder, unsweetened
Marble Brownies
Brownies are heavenly delicious, and in this version, they are also beautiful to look at. The chocolate base beautifully intertwines with the cream cheese topping, creating a marbled pattern!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
Cream sauce
1 piece Egg, fresh
225 g Cheese, creamy
50 g Sugar, white
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
0.5 spoons Butter, unsalted
Marbleized Meringue Kisses
The recipe is very simple, but the taste is divine. The kisses are beautifully crispy on the outside, while inside they are so soft that they melt in your mouth. Believe us, they are impossible to resist!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
200 g Sugar, white
70 g chocolate, dark
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Line two low baking trays with parchment paper. Break or chop the chocolate into small pieces and place them in a heatproof bowl.
Marzipan Balls
Homemade marzipan balls will surely delight all marzipan lovers. They are also a great idea for a cute Christmas or New Years gift.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
115 g Powdered sugar
115 g Sugar, white
225 g Nuts, almonds
1 teaspoon Orange, shell
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, imitation
1 teaspoon Alcohol, Rum
Small fluffy cookies with a soft center and crispy crust are perfect for a party or a romantic dinner.
- Preparation Time: 75 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
110 g Powdered sugar
Place the egg whites in a large clean bowl and add 3 teaspoons of sugar. Start mixing with a hand mixer at a low speed, then increase the speed. Gradually add the sugar while mixing until it is all used. Whip until you get a stiff and firm meringue.
Meringue Cake with Cream and Berries
Use the yolks to make homemade ice cream, and from the egg whites, you can prepare this excellent summer dessert that will surely delight you with its freshness.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 180 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
6 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
1 pinch Salt, table
300 g Powdered sugar
1 spoon Koruzni škrob
2 teaspoons Vinegar, apple
250 ml Sweet cream
Meringue Kisses
Chefs often call them "baiser," which means kiss in French. They are used for decoration or as small treats.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 480 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
8 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
200 g Sugar, white
150 g Powdered sugar
30 g Koruzni škrob
In a bowl, place the egg whites and gradually add sugar (spoon by spoon) while slowly mixing. Beat until you get a stiff meringue. To check if the meringue is stiff enough, turn the bowl upside down; the mixture should not fall out.
Meringue Roll with Lemon Cream
A delicate and creamy meringue, topped with a refreshing and light cream. Everything you expect from a summer dessert!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Egg white dough
6 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
1 pinch Salt, table
300 g Powdered sugar
1 spoon Koruzni škrob
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
1 teaspoon Vinegar, apple
200 g Pudding, vanilla
Meringue Roses
With sweet meringue roses, you can decorate a festive table or offer them as a snack at a wedding celebration. You can also prepare them when you have leftover egg whites from holiday baking. These cookies are not only visually stunning but also delicious. Crumbled into small pieces, they make an excellent addition to ice cream, custard, and chocolate mousse.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 90 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
Mexican Bread of the Dead
This bread is slightly sweet. Mexicans offer it to their deceased loved ones on special altars they prepare during the Day of the Dead, which they celebrate from October 31st to November 2nd. They shape the dough into bone-like decorations and use them to adorn the bread.
- Preparation Time: 180 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
0.5 cups Butter, unsalted
Mexican Skulls
On the Day of the Dead, Dia de los muertos, Mexicans prepare a feast for their deceased and the living. They spend the night in cemeteries, indulging in sweets and hearty meals, playing music, and joyfully "mingling" with their departed loved ones. Of course, this includes skull-shaped treats.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
Midnight Oatmeal Muffins
Midnight muffins are juicy because they are made from oatmeal soaked in whole milk. Pieces of dried fruit add flavor, crunch, and chewiness - but the muffins are excellent even without them.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
140 g Oat bran, raw
400 ml Milk, whole milk
230 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
2 teaspoons Baking powder
Milk Rice with Caramelized Apples
Do you find milk rice too simple a dessert to conclude a festive lunch or dinner? What about milk rice with caramelized apples? It sounds very tasty, interesting, and festive, doesnt it? Try it and see for yourself that this is a dessert that will grow on you.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Caramelized apples
80 g Butter, unsalted
Millefeuille, or thousand leaves, is one of the best Italian desserts. The basic version is made with cream, but it can also be prepared with chocolate chips or fruit; for example, with bananas, strawberries, oranges, or some other fruit.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 22 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
400 g Dough, puff
4 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
1 bag Sugar, white
Mini Pavlova
Pavlova cake is a dessert created in honor of the Russian prima ballerina Anna Pavlova by a chef at the Esplanade Hotel in Perth. The cake is said to embody her grace and beauty. She is remembered for her incredibly beautiful arm movements in the role of the dying swan. Try this wonderful dessert and enjoy the flavors of gently whipped egg whites embraced by fresh fruit.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
Mini Pavlovas with Poached Pears
Words cannot describe the delight you will feel when you taste the crispy baked meringue, whipped cream, and juicy pears poached in a mixture of water, red wine, and spices. This is undoubtedly a dessert that will enchant and impress.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
240 ml Sweet cream
1 bag Sugar, white
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Mint Jelly
Mint jelly is an indispensable accompaniment that pairs beautifully with roasted lamb, but it can also be served with spicy dishes. It works well alongside grilled meats as well.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 33 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
114 g Mint
675 g Sugar, white
62 ml Water
0.9 l Juice, apple
6 drops Vanilla, extract, imitation
The next day, place the pot on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil. Then remove the pot from the heat and strain the liquid thoroughly using a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Pour the liquid back into the pot. Add the remaining sugar and apple juice. Cook over moderate heat for about 20 minutes or until the temperature of the liquid reaches approximately 100 degrees Celsius. Check this with a kitchen thermometer. Stir well several times in between.
Noahs Breakfast
According to legend, when the food supplies on Noahs ark began to dangerously diminish, Noah ordered the ships cooks to prepare a meal for the passengers using whatever edible items remained in the ships storerooms. Thus, the dish described in this recipe was created. And as we well know, the ships passengers survived the great flood.
- Preparation Time: 90 minutes
- Cooking Time: 160 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
2 cups Wheat, durum
Nut and Tomato Brittle
The combination of ingredients may seem a bit unusual at first glance, but we encourage you to try this brittle, as you will surely be delighted by the taste.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
80 g Nuts, hazelnuts
80 g Nuts, almonds
70 g Walnuts
50 g Pine nuts
50 g Pistachio
2 spoons Sesame seeds, dried
Onion Marmalade
Yes, you read that correctly. Even onions can be used to make an excellent marmalade, which is served alongside roasted or boiled meat. It is also a more than welcome addition to a cheese platter or canapés.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 70 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
3 spoons Oil, olive
1 kg Onion, raw
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
2 pinch Spices, pepper, black
Orange and Almond Cake
This cake is characteristic of Morocco. With its freshness and juiciness, it will completely captivate you, but be careful, as the cake is very sweet and filling.
- Preparation Time: 55 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
1 piece Orange, fresh
120 g Butter, unsalted
120 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
175 g Semolina
100 g Nuts, almonds
1.5 teaspoons Baking powder
Orange Coconut Balls
Small sweet balls that, thanks to the combination of sunny orange color and white coconut, remind us of seaside vacations in the middle of winter. Children can be involved in the preparation, who will gladly take on the task – and then immediately enjoy the sweet treat.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 3 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
275 g Breadcrumbs, dried
140 g Powdered sugar
Orange Cream
Orange cream is so versatile that it certainly wont sit in your fridge for long. Use it as a spread for pancakes or as a filling for cakes, rolls, and pastries. Spread it on toasted bread in the morning, or use it to prepare various desserts in a glass.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
3 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Orange Jelly
Instead of fighting the summer heat, refresh yourself with orange jelly.
- Preparation Time: 140 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
6 pieces Orange, fresh
300 ml Juice, grapefruit
1 spoon Gelatin powder, unsweetened
2 spoons Sugar, white
Cut the oranges in half and squeeze them well to extract as much juice as possible. Discard the peels and save the juice, then add grape juice to it. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve. Pour half of the juice into a cup, sprinkle with gelatin, and mix well. Wait about 6 minutes for the gelatin to swell.
Orange Marmalade
Homemade orange marmalade, cold and thinly spread butter, and crispy fresh bread…, all of this is the best way to start the morning.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Orange, fresh
2 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
1.5 l Water
1 kg Sugar, white
Wash the oranges and lemons and cut them in half. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Remove any seeds.
Orange Polenta Cake
Dont worry about the cake being dry, as the orange syrup ensures it stays moist and fresh. The cake is excellent on its own, simply served with a cup of cold or hot drink, but it’s also perfect with a scoop of good vanilla ice cream.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
pieces Butter, unsalted
250 g Butter, unsalted
Palmiers Cookies (Elephant Ears)
A classic French pastry that will delight you with its crispiness and excellent taste. For these cookies, you only need two ingredients - puff pastry and sugar, but a touch of spices is also welcome to add an intoxicating aroma that will fill your kitchen.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
275 g Dough, puff
100 g Sugar, white
Pancakes with Bananas and Caramel
Dont have time for complicated cakes, pastries, or pies? Pancakes filled with bananas and caramel are quick to prepare and so delicious that they can rival any cake.
- Preparation Time: 35 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
180 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
3 pieces Egg, fresh
375 ml Milk, whole milk
1 pinch Salt, table
2 pinch Sugar, white
Pancakes with Caramel
Another excellent combination that will delight pancake lovers. If you have a sweet tooth, you can additionally spread the pancakes with peanut butter and top them with melted chocolate or chocolate sauce. Youll get delicious Snickers pancakes that will surely keep you satisfied for a while.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Caramel sauce
200 g Sugar, white
Panna cotta with strawberry puree
For many, this is the favorite summer dessert, prepared in no time. You can choose any fruit for the puree, but panna cotta is also good without anything. And a tip: if you replace sugar with erythritol, you have an excellent LCHF dessert.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Panna cotta
500 ml Sweet cream
2 spoons Sugar, white
Pavlova Cake
Anna Pavlova was a famous Russian ballerina (1885–1931). During her tour of Australia, a chef at the Esplanade Hotel in Perth created the Pavlova cake especially for her. The whiteness and lightness of the meringue resemble the white costume in which Pavlova danced the role of the white swan in Swan Lake.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 480 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
8 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Pavlova Cake with Cherries and Chocolate
First, we spread whipped cream on the baked meringue base. Then, we add soaked cherries and grate a little chocolate on top. The final product is a delightful dessert that will enchant you with its appearance and convince you with its excellent taste.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 90 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
220 g Sugar, white
Pavlova Cake with Strawberries
The cake is named after the famous Russian prima ballerina Anna Pavlova, as its whiteness and lightness resemble the costume in which Pavlova danced the role of the white swan in Swan Lake. The base of the cake is baked meringue, which is topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit before serving. We decided to use strawberries.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Pavlova with Bananas and Caramel Sauce
Even if youre not very skilled in the kitchen, you can still achieve such a masterpiece. Read the recipe and then decide for yourself if its worth trying at least once.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 70 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
6 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
300 g Sugar, white
2 teaspoons Koruzni škrob
1 teaspoon Vinegar, distilled
100 g Butter, unsalted
Pavlova with Cinnamon-Stewed Plums
Due to the addition of brown sugar, the meringue base has a slightly brownish color and a delicate caramel flavor. This pairs beautifully with the cinnamon used in stewing the plums. If youd like to enhance the cinnamon flavor even more, you can add a pinch or two of ground cinnamon to the whipped cream or mix it into the meringue base before baking this wonderful and divine dessert.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 70 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
Peach and Green Tea Ice Cream Pops
The ice cream we buy in stores or ice cream shops is creamy and stable due to a special ingredient called invert sugar. This ingredient also ensures that the sugars in the ice cream do not crystallize. While the preparation is somewhat time-consuming, once made, it can be stored for a long time.
- Preparation Time: 200 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
0.5 kg Peach, fresh
Peach Crumble
Crumble is a very simple dessert to prepare, and you will surely love it once you try it for the first time. The dessert is both juicy and crispy, and it is best when still slightly warm, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of cold Greek yogurt. If you dont have peaches on hand, you can also use nectarines, apples, apricots, or plums.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
6 pieces Peach, fresh
Peach Ice Cream with Pine Nuts
Prepare homemade ice cream that contains no preservatives, colorings, flavors, or other artificial additives. Delight your children with a treat from your home freezer!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
5 pieces Peach, fresh
4 spoon Powdered sugar
25 ml Juice, lemon
200 ml Milk, sour
100 g Sweet cream
Peel the peaches and remove the pits. Cut the flesh into smaller pieces and place them in a food processor. Add lemon juice and powdered sugar, then blend everything into a thick puree.
Peaches in Red Wine
Fresh peaches are cooked in a wine syrup flavored with cinnamon and orange slices. The dessert can be served warm or cold. A scoop of good ice cream is a must as a topping.
- Preparation Time: 12 minutes
- Cooking Time: 24 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Peach, fresh
480 ml Alcohol, Wine, Red
100 g Sugar, white
60 ml Alcohol, Rum
1 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
Peanut Butter Squares
Sweet treats that you can use to delight your loved ones during the holidays.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
125 g Butter, unsalted
500 g Sugar, brown
120 ml Milk, whole milk
250 g Peanut butter, smooth
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
300 g Powdered sugar
Place a saucepan on the stove and slowly melt the butter over low heat. Once the butter has melted, add the sugar and milk. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved, then let the mixture simmer over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
Pear Jam with Vanilla
Probably no need to explain, but pear jam with vanilla is truly divine. It’s true that you’ll spend a bit more time preparing it, but your effort will be richly rewarded when you spread this wonderful jam on bread or pancakes.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 85 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
2 piece Vanilla, extract, imitation
400 ml Juice, lemon
1.85 kg Pear, fresh
Pear Tarte Tatin
Tarte Tatin is a world-renowned French dessert served in the finest restaurants around the world. But if you think preparing this dessert is very time-consuming and complicated, you are mistaken. The dessert is originally composed of just two elements: caramelized fruit and pastry. This time, we present you with a recipe for Tarte Tatin with caramelized pears.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
6 pieces Pear, fresh
Persimmon Cake
Vitamins, divine taste, and a memory of the gentle caress of autumn rays… If only it could last longer!
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
0.5 cups Butter, unsalted
2 cups Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
2 cups Flour, Wheat, bread flour
1 cup Raisins
1 cup Walnuts
2 piece Persimmon
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Spices, cloves, ground
Pickled Pearl Onions
Pickled pearl onions are an excellent accompaniment to boiled or roasted meat and cheese platters. They can be added to numerous salads or used for preparing snacks and open-faced sandwiches.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
500 g Onion, raw
400 ml Vinegar, red wine
100 g Sugar, brown
20 g Salt, table
pieces Spices, cloves, ground
4 g Spices, pepper, black
Pie with Salted Caramel and Chocolate Cream
Even if the combination of salted caramel and bittersweet chocolate cream may not seem the most promising at first glance, you will agree after the first bite that it is one of the best desserts you have ever tried.
- Preparation Time: 85 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
120 ml Water
300 g Sugar, white
180 ml Sweet cream
70 g Butter, unsalted
Pineapple Tarts
Golden yellow buttery pineapple tarts are served by the Chinese during the New Year. This recipe makes 24 tarts.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
- 1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
350 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
225 g Butter, unsalted
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
4 spoon Powdered sugar
2 spoons Koruzni škrob
Piped Cookies
Cookies are something we never get tired of. They can be served on any occasion and are welcome both with morning coffee and afternoon tea. If they are homemade, we can be sure they wont stay on the table for long. Piped cookies, prepared according to the recipe below, are so simple to make that they are suitable for everyone, even complete beginners.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
150 g Butter, unsalted
Pistachio and White Chocolate Cookies
You could also call them milk cookies. Why milk, you might wonder? Because one of the ingredients is powdered milk. Together with pistachios and a white chocolate glaze, these cookies are a delightful treat, perfect for festive days.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
70 g Pistachio
115 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
Pistachio Cookies
For all pistachio lovers, these cookies will be a real treat. You only need five ingredients, and the preparation wont take much of your time.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
160 g Pistachio
150 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
pieces Nuts, almonds
pieces Powdered sugar
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Line two low baking trays with parchment paper.
Plum Cake with Meringue Topping
An excellent pastry with just one drawback: one piece will definitely not be enough. The combination of juicy plums, sweet meringue topping, and a light sponge cake is simply exceptional, and we are sure you wont make it just once.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 9
3 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
1 pinch Salt, table
150 g Sugar, white
Plum Jam
An intoxicatingly fragrant and versatile jam made from fresh plums and sugar, enriched with a pinch of ground cinnamon and a dash of rum.
- Preparation Time: 50 minutes
- Cooking Time: 90 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
3 kg Plum
1 kg Sugar, white
pieces Juice, lemon
0.5 dl Alcohol, Rum
pieces Spices, cinnamon, ground
Sort the plums, wash them, dry them, and remove the pits.
Plum Pastry with Almond Butter Crumbs
The pastry is good warm or cold. It is best slightly cooled, served with a warm or cold drink and a scoop of good ice cream.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Butter, unsalted
180 g Sugar, white
300 g Nuts, almonds
215 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2 piece Egg, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
Poached Apricots with Ice Cream
The syrup in which we poach the apricots is made from sweet white wine, honey, and a vanilla pod. For the finishing touch, add a scoop of good ice cream or a bit of creamy yogurt.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 22 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
10 pieces Apricot, raw
240 ml Alcohol, Dessert wine
120 ml Water
0.5 pod Vanilla, extract, natural
Very popular cookies at Spanish weddings and other large celebrations. In Andalusia, where they originate, there are as many as 70 factories producing these treats. The traditional recipe specifies the use of lard.
- Preparation Time: 200 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
600 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
300 g Milk, powdered, whole milk
150 g Butter, unsalted
300 g Sugar, white
Pomegranate Apple Cake
The red-and-white cake is so beautiful that we wont be able to take our eyes off it—until the moment we taste it. Then, the admiration will end immediately.
- Preparation Time: 180 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
240 ml Milk, whole milk
6 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
280 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
350 g Sugar, white
Popcorn with Maple Syrup and Pecans
Sweet popcorn with caramelized pecan pieces is a very filling yet tasty snack that is enjoyed in America while watching football games and movies.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
pieces Butter, unsalted
3 spoons Oil, vegetable oil, canola
200 g Corn, yellow, fresh
175 g Butter, unsalted
150 g Sugar, white
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
150 g Syrup, maple
Pumpkin Roll
A quickly prepared Bulgarian delicacy, which is traditionally served with strong Turkish coffee.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
1 kg Pumpkin, raw
340 g Butter, unsalted
230 g Sugar, white
230 g Walnuts
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
10 pieces Dough, wonton
Wash the pumpkin, cut it in half, and remove the seeds and pulp. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, peel them, and grate them. In a large pot, melt 115 g of butter, then add the grated pumpkin and sugar. Cook until the pumpkin softens. Remove the pot from the heat, let the mixture cool, then mix in the walnuts and cinnamon.
Pumpkin Squares
Delicious sweet squares that will bring the taste of autumn and warmth with every bite.
- Preparation Time: 165 minutes
- Cooking Time: 45 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
400 g Sugar, white
220 g Sugar, brown
180 g Butter, unsalted
160 ml Milk, whole milk
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 pinch Spices, nutmeg, ground
1 pinch Spices, ginger, ground
1 pinch Spices, cinnamon, ground
Pumpkin Squares with White Cream
A juicy, tasty, and quickly prepared dessert, perfect for brightening up gray autumn days.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
pieces Juice, orange
pieces Butter, unsalted
175 g Raisins
3 spoons Juice, orange
300 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
2 pinch Salt, table
1 bag Baking powder
120 g Sugar, white
2 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
4 pieces Egg, fresh
Quick Cinnamon Rolls
Did you know that you can also bake excellent cinnamon rolls from pizza dough? Follow the recipe below and prepare a quick dessert that will delight your guests and fill your apartment with the aroma of cinnamon.
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
200 g Cheese, creamy
pieces Powdered sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
pieces Milk, whole milk
Quince Cheese
Quince cheese (also known as quince jelly) is an old dessert that our grandmothers used to make. First, we cook the quinces to soften them, then blend them and cook with sugar until we get a thick jelly. The jelly is spread on a baking tray and dried for several weeks to solidify. Once dried, it is cut into pieces of any size, which are then rolled in sugar or dusted with powdered sugar.
Quince Liqueur
Quinces are truly versatile, although most people dont know very well what to do with this tart and hard fruit. The recipe for quince liqueur dates back to the distant year 1862, and the liqueur is not only divine in taste - it is said to be medicinal as well.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 20
500 ml Juice, apple
Quince Marmalade
A marmalade that pairs excellently with pastries. It is particularly useful for preparing Danish pastries. The preparation is time-consuming, but the taste will certainly not disappoint.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 210 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
2 kg Quince
0.5 cups Water
1 kg Sugar, white
1 spoon Lemon, fresh, without shell
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Thoroughly wash the quinces and dry them with a towel. Be careful to remove all the fuzz. Line a baking dish with aluminum foil and arrange the quinces on it. Place the dish in the oven and bake the quinces for an hour and a half until they are completely softened. Let the baked quinces cool, then peel them and remove all the hard cores.
Raspberry Brownies with Chocolate Glaze
Havent had chocolate around your mouth for a while? Try these raspberry brownies and enjoy the magical taste! They are also perfect for surprising your partner…
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 38 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
120 g chocolate, dark
80 g Sweet cream
10 g Butter, unsalted
1 spoon Alcohol, Rum
250 g Raspberries
90 g chocolate, dark
100 g Butter, unsalted
Raspberry Compote
Garden raspberries are full of sugar, while wild ones have slightly less. It is precisely because of this sweetness that homegrown raspberries are excellent for compotes!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
500 g Raspberries
100 g Powdered sugar
Clean the raspberries, wash them, and place them in a bowl. Sprinkle them with sugar. Gently mix everything together and let it sit for a few hours.
Raspberry Granita
Raspberries are not just a fruit with an excellent taste, but they are also a true elixir of health and a popular ingredient in many desserts. Although raspberry granita can be prepared simply in just a few steps, it will delight even the most demanding gourmets with its divine taste.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 dl Water
Raspberry Ice Cream Popsicles
For homemade fruit popsicles, you can use any fruit and combine it with various additions (herbs, spices, alcohol, liqueur, juices). The important thing is to freeze the popsicles well before serving!
- Preparation Time: 270 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
2 cups Raspberries
150 ml Water
2 spoons Juice, lime
110 dag Sugar, brown
0.5 teaspoons Lemon zest, fresh
Clean the raspberries and place them in a medium-sized pot. Add water, lime juice, sugar, and lime zest to the pot. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil over moderate heat. Then lower the heat slightly and simmer gently until all the sugar dissolves, the raspberries soften, and the liquid thickens slightly (about 10 minutes). Remove the pot from the heat and let the raspberry mixture cool for 5 minutes.
Roll with Apricot Jam
The foundation of a good roll is a thin, light, and flexible dough baked in a large baking tray. Once baked, the dough is spread with any desired jam, rolled up, dusted with powdered sugar, and served.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
3 pieces Egg, fresh
5 spoon Water
1 bag Sugar, white
120 g Sugar, white
Rolled Walnut Sticks
A quickly prepared dessert, suitable for celebrations and parties.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
200 g Walnuts
2 bags Sugar, white
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
pieces Orange, shell
120 ml Milk, whole milk
300 g Dough, puff
pieces Powdered sugar
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
pieces Milk, whole milk
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Line a low baking tray with baking paper.
Romantic Cupcakes
Preparing cupcakes with white chocolate cream is quick and very simple. This way, youll have more time to focus on the decoration, which will turn a simple dessert into a true feast for the eyes.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
140 g Butter, unsalted
140 g Powdered sugar
100 g chocolate, dark
pieces Sugar, white
Rose and Lemon Balm Syrup
A delicious syrup that can be enjoyed diluted with water or used to enhance summer cocktails, such as gin and tonic, and iced tea.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 30
200 g Mint
150 g Elderberry, flower, fresh
2 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
3 l Water
3 kg Sugar, white
2 bags Sugar, white
Clean the lemon balm leaves and rinse them quickly.
Rosehip Jam
Healthy and delicious at the same time. Is there anything better than good homemade jam on homemade bread?
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
400 g Pomegranate
2 piece Apple, fresh
150 g Sugar, white
3 spoons Juice, lemon
Place the rosehips in a large bowl, cover with water, and soak for 10 minutes. Then thoroughly drain the rosehips. Cut off the stem of each rosehip, then cut it into 4 pieces. Remove the seeds and the inner hairy skin, and place the remaining parts into a pot. Wash the apples, peel them, remove the cores, and cut them into chunks, then add them to the pot.
Rum Baba from Naples
The amount of sugar in this famous Neapolitan dessert clearly reveals its Arabic origin, while the lemon adds a distinctive aroma. In Naples, you can buy small babas baked in special molds; however, it will be perfectly fine to bake it in a smaller cake mold. Rum, of course, must not be missing – without it, the Neapolitan baba simply wouldnt be a baba al rum.
- Preparation Time: 85 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
350 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
Rum Balls
To prepare rum balls, we dont need a stove or an oven; a refrigerator and a multipurpose kitchen tool are enough - and even that only if we dont want to crush the cookies by hand.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 15
250 g Dough, puff
100 g Powdered sugar
100 g Coconut, flakes
80 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
Savarin with Strawberries
Savarin is a well-known and old French dessert. It is also called Savarin aux fraises or French leavened wreath.
- Preparation Time: 120 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 16
200 g Strawberries
150 ml Sweet cream
20 g Sugar, white
350 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
20 g Yeast, dry
125 ml Milk, skimmed
4 pieces Egg, fresh
40 g Sugar, white
Semolina Cake with Flavored Syrup
A hot cake made from wheat semolina, butter, and yogurt is poured over with cooled sugar syrup. The final product is a very sweet yet juicy dessert that pairs excellently with a cup of coffee.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
1 spoon Butter, unsalted
1 cup Yogurt, plain, from whole milk
0.75 cups Sugar, white
2 cups Semolina
Shiny Chocolate Glaze
A beautiful chocolate glaze for cakes, pastries, cookies, eclairs, and other sweet treats.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
300 g Powdered sugar
300 g Sugar, white
200 ml Water
200 g Milk, powdered, whole milk
225 g chocolate, dark
15 pieces Gelatin powder, unsweetened
Combine water, sugar, and glucose in a pot, bring to a boil, and cook until the mixture reaches 103 degrees Celsius.
Simple Apple Cake
A simple dessert without the need for a scale or complicated steps! A great recipe for a quick and moist yogurt cake with a delicious apple filling.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Apple filling
1 kg Apples, rose
pieces Sugar, white
2 bags Sugar, white
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
5 spoon Semolina
Biscuit dough
4 pieces Egg, fresh
Simple Banana Cake (Bread)
Banana cake or bread, as Americans like to call it, may not be the healthiest choice, but it is an excellent choice for a warm, fragrant, and sweet start to the day. It is also a great way to use up overripe bananas.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
pieces Oil, vegetable oil, canola
260 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Simple Cranberry Sauce
Quickly prepared cranberry sauce served with roasted meat. It pairs excellently with game, wild poultry, turkey, and pork. For additional aroma and flavor, you can also add spices such as cloves, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice.
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Time: 13 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
100 g Sugar, white
100 ml Juice, orange
250 g Cranberries, fresh
0.75 teaspoons Orange, shell
Simple Mint Syrup
If you enjoy elderflower syrup, you will also be delighted by mint syrup. The preparation is quick and very simple, and the homemade syrup will be a hit with children as well. Make a batch to stock up, as youll enjoy it even in the colder months. You can also use it as an addition to cocktails, lemonade, iced tea, and other refreshing drinks.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 1
1 bouquet Mint
Snickers Cupcakes
A perfect dessert for celebrations and parties. Chocolate cupcakes filled with caramel and peanuts, topped with rich peanut cream, will delight everyone, especially those who enjoy Snickers chocolate bars.
- Preparation Time: 41 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
Caramel with peanuts
180 g Sugar, white
200 ml Sweet cream
20 g Butter, unsalted
90 g Peanuts, roasted in oil, salted
125 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Snow Caps
In this dessert, egg whites come to the forefront, floating like small islands in the middle of English cream. Hence, they are originally called floating islands. This is actually a classic French dessert. French grandmothers make this dessert at home, and it is also prepared in Michelin-starred restaurants.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
100 g Sugar, white
A variation of the popular homemade dessert, prepared in a unique style. The base is a light and fluffy meringue, topped with a crispy caramel lace that hides a velvety vanilla sauce inside. This is undoubtedly a dessert that will make a big impression.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
60 g Sugar, white
Snowballs with Raspberry Sauce
A charming summer dessert that will delight you with its lightness and freshness.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
2 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
100 g Sugar, white
300 ml Milk, whole milk
0.5 pod Vanilla, extract, natural
pieces Mint
Raspberry sauce
500 g Raspberries
60 g Sugar, white
40 ml Juice, lemon
Place the raspberries in a small pot. Add lemon juice and sugar. Heat slowly over moderate heat, stirring until the contents come to a boil. Let it boil for 2 to 3 minutes, then remove the pot from the heat. Once the raspberry sauce has cooled to room temperature, strain it through a fine sieve to obtain a thick raspberry puree, which you distribute into four bowls. Store the bowls in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Snowflake Lollipops
We prepare them when we have leftover egg whites from Christmas baking and enjoy them at a New Years party.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 240 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
300 g chocolate, dark
1 spoon Oil, plant, coconut
4 pieces Egg, egg white, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
280 g Powdered sugar
Set one oven rack to the upper third and another to the lower third of the oven. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees Celsius. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Soy Panna Cotta with Coffee Syrup
A great dessert that everyone can enjoy - even those who are allergic to dairy products. The preparation is quick and very simple, you just need to wait for the dessert to cool and set in the refrigerator.
- Preparation Time: 255 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Coffee syrup
200 ml Coffee, espresso
80 g Sugar, white
400 ml Soy milk
Spanish Flan
Flan, or egg custard cooked in a water bath with a caramel coating, is a popular Spanish dessert that delights anyone who has the chance to try it. The preparation is very simple, with just a bit of attention needed for making the caramel. The result is a delicate egg custard so light that it melts in your mouth.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
150 g Sugar, white
Spice Mix for Cinnamon Cookies
Vanilla is an expensive spice, but its still best to buy whole pods, which can be used multiple times rather than just once. If we add them to white sugar, it will soon absorb their aroma. Mix in some cinnamon, and we have a ready-made aromatic spice mix that will make holiday cookies even sweeter!
- Preparation Time: 4 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 1
1 piece Vanilla, extract, natural
Spiced Speculaas Cookies
The dough is made from flour, butter, brown sugar, and numerous spices, shaped into cookies, and decorated with almond slices.
- Preparation Time: 145 minutes
- Cooking Time: 14 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
150 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
0.5 teaspoons Baking powder
125 g Butter, unsalted
100 g Sugar, brown
0.5 teaspoons Spices, ginger, ground
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
0.5 teaspoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
Spiced Syrup
Heres a great idea for a quick Christmas or New Years gift. Prepare a spiced syrup, pour it into beautiful bottles, and pair it with an excellent recipe for mulled wine. The recipe goes like this: in a large pot, mix 700 ml of red wine, a few orange slices, and 400 ml of syrup, bring it to a boil, pour into glasses, and serve.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Sugar, white
Sponge Cake
A proper sponge cake for a torte should be soft and moist, beautifully baked, and free of lumps and poorly mixed flour in the center. We offer you a recipe that was used by contestants in the 4th season of Slovenia.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
6 pieces Egg, fresh
150 g Sugar, white
180 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Sponge Cake for Cake
A good sponge cake is the foundation of a great cake. This time, we offer you a basic recipe that you can adjust to your preferences: add cocoa or chocolate powder, replace part of the flour with ground nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.), or substitute a tablespoon of water with rum, etc.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
pieces Butter, unsalted
Stewed Plums with Ice Cream
Plums cooked in a fragrant syrup, served with vanilla ice cream, which can be substituted with creamy yogurt. A delightful dessert elegant enough to serve at the end of a festive meal.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
500 g Plum
100 g Sugar, white
100 ml Water
1 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
2 piece Spices, caraway seeds
Sticky Pudding
A slightly different pudding than what were used to. Because it will be a real hit with both children and adults, we recommend that you prepare it too!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 27 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
75 g Date, fresh or dried
90 g Butter, unsalted
50 g Sugar, brown
2 piece Egg, fresh
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
140 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Strawberries in Red Wine
Strawberries in red wine can be served as a standalone dessert. They are also an excellent addition to ice cream, pancakes, cakes, and pastries.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
750 ml Alcohol, Wine, Red
1 piece Spices, cinnamon, ground
2 piece Spices, cloves, ground
pieces Juice, orange
0.5 piece Vanilla, extract, natural
200 g Sugar, white
500 g Strawberries
Strawberry Crumble
Stewed strawberries and rhubarb with crispy buttery crumbs - a simple spring dessert that will delight you so much that you will surely make it more than once. You can omit the rhubarb, but believe me, it is absolutely excellent in combination with strawberries!
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 55 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Butter crumbs
85 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Strawberry Granita
A refreshing dessert thats worth the time and effort!
- Preparation Time: 190 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
1 kg Strawberries
10 spoon Water
160 g Sugar, white
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
10 spoon Alcohol, Wine, White
Wash the strawberries thoroughly, clean them, and cut them in half if necessary. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from both halves.
Strawberry Jam
What could be better than a jar of homemade strawberry jam?
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Strawberries
900 g Sugar, white
2 piece Lemon zest, fresh
Thoroughly wash the strawberries and remove the stems and green parts. Place them in a bowl and cover with sugar. Cover the bowl and let the strawberries sit overnight.
Strawberry Jelly
A delicious dessert made from strawberries that will especially delight children.
- Preparation Time: 160 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
500 g Strawberries
200 g Sugar, white
600 ml Water
10 g Seaweed, agar, dried
Clean the strawberries thoroughly, wash them, and let them dry. Place a pot with water on the stove and mix in the sugar. Bring it to a boil. Stir and let it boil for another 5 minutes. Then remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool.
Strawberry Panna Cotta
An excellent dessert in a glass that will brighten up any party or gathering. Since you dont need an oven to prepare it, its also suitable for hot summer days.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
10 g Gelatin powder, unsweetened
50 ml Water
200 ml Milk, whole milk
200 ml Sweet cream
50 g Sugar, white
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
Strawberry Shortcakes
Strawberry shortcakes are a delightful spring dessert that can be prepared in no time. They are very crumbly, soft, and fragrant, with pieces of sweet strawberries adding juiciness and a divine taste.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
100 g Sugar, white
2 teaspoons Baking powder
1 pinch Salt, table
120 g Butter, unsalted
Sugar Paste for Decorating
When we want to enhance the appearance of a cake and cover its juicy center, this paste is just perfect for that. With it, we can create various interesting shapes and colorful combinations.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 1
1 piece Egg, egg white, fresh
1 spoon Sugar, maple
350 g Powdered sugar
Heat a tablespoon of glucose slightly, just enough to make it warm. Place the egg white in a bowl and mix in the glucose. Use a whisk to mix well until the egg white and glucose are combined. Sift most of the powdered sugar into the bowl with the mixture and mix well. Continue mixing until a dough forms.
Sugar Roses
From sugar modeling paste, which we color with various food colors, we make roses and other flowers, animals, ladybugs, four-leaf clovers…
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 0 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 24
1 kg Powdered sugar
110 ml Water
100 g Koruzni škrob
10 ml Juice, lemon
12 g Gelatin powder, unsweetened
Soak the gelatin in a mixture of water and lemon juice for 10 minutes. Pour the starch into a smaller bowl and the powdered sugar into a larger one. Once the gelatin has swollen, heat it with the liquid until it dissolves. Mix the dissolved gelatin into the starch, then combine everything with the sifted powdered sugar.
Sweet Chili Jam
Dont worry, the jam is not too spicy, but just the right amount of piquant and delicious!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 60 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 1
- Number of Servings: 8
8 pieces Bell pepper, red, fresh
10 pieces Chili peppers, red chili, fresh
pieces Ginger, fresh
4 pods Garlic, fresh
1 piece Apple, fresh
400 g Tomato, pieces - can
550 g Sugar, white
250 ml Vinegar, red wine
Sweet Little Houses
Houses made of gingerbread and candies are wonderful. Even if we dont have much time, we can still make them by taking a shortcut and creating a simpler version of the house. We wrap the houses in cellophane and decorate them with colorful ribbons - and there we have a lovely little gift!
- Preparation Time: 175 minutes
- Cooking Time: 14 minutes
- Difficulty: 3
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
200 g Sugar, white
Sweet Mummies
A charming and quickly prepared dessert that can spice up your Halloween celebration, and is also suitable as a treat for childrens parties. Kids love funny and weird things, so we are sure these sweet cookies will delight them.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
150 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
45 g Cocoa, powdered, unsweetened
1.25 teaspoons Baking powder
Sweet Peanuts
Make your own perfect movie snacks at home. Sweet and crunchy peanuts are a great choice.
- Preparation Time: 2 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
275 g Peanuts, raw
200 g Sugar, white
75 ml Water
1 pinch Salt, table
In a large pan with a thick bottom, add water, peanuts, salt, and sugar. Mix everything well and place it over moderate heat. Stir continuously until the sugar completely dissolves and the water begins to evaporate.
Sweet Pumpkin Cubes
A delicious and simple Central American dessert. Mexicans adore pumpkins - and for good reason. Sweet pumpkins (but without cream) are traditionally prepared for their Day of the Dead celebration "Dia de los muertos".
- Preparation Time: 25 minutes
- Cooking Time: 125 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
2.5 kg Pumpkin, raw
4 stick Spices, cinnamon, ground
1 piece Orange, fresh
1 kg Sugar, brown
4 cup Water
Sweet Rice Squares
Be sure to follow our tips and grease all ingredients well in advance, as the mixture is indeed very sticky.
- Preparation Time: 35 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
3 spoons Butter, unsalted
285 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
170 g Amaranth, flakes
3 spoons Sugar, white
Grease a small deep baking dish (approximately 33 x 23 cm) well with oil. Pour the rice cereal into a large greased bowl. Melt the butter in a pot over medium-high heat.
Sweet St. Nicholas
Do you already know how you will gift your children this year for St. Nicholas? We know - with sweet St. Nicholas treats!
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
5 pieces Egg, fresh
125 g Sugar, white
1 bag Sugar, white
125 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 teaspoon Baking powder
200 g Cooking chocolate, unsweetened
125 g Butter, unsalted
Sweet Sunny Side Up Eggs
Since they will delight and amaze children, its best to prepare them for a kids party or birthday celebration. You can also make them even if you dont have kids - the cookies are very tasty, and youll have a lot of fun while preparing them.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
250 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Thai Sweet Chili Sauce
This simple sweet sauce can be used as a side dish for fried or grilled fish and spring rolls.
- Preparation Time: 7 minutes
- Cooking Time: 7 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 1
- Number of Servings: 4
4 pieces Chili peppers, red chili, fresh
2 pod Garlic, fresh
5 g Ginger, fresh
120 ml Water
6 spoon Sugar, white
5 spoon Vinegar, apple
1 spoon Fish sauce
0.5 bouquet Coriander, leaves, fresh
Torta tenerina
Torta tenerina is a very special dessert, characteristic of the Italian city of Ferrara. It contains a lot of chocolate and is low and compact, with a soft and moist center, and a very thin and crispy crust on the outside. When serving, you can add a dollop of whipped cream or mascarpone.
- Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
200 g chocolate, dark
Tulumba, fried fingers of choux pastry, drenched in a very sweet syrup, are characteristic of Bosnian cuisine. The dessert is very similar to Spanish churros, the only difference being that tulumba is soaked in syrup, while churros are rolled in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Which is better is simply a matter of taste.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
500 ml Water
Turkish Dessert with Quinces
This dessert, known in Turkey as ayva tatlısı, is a great example of how important the method of preparation is in order to make the most out of the ingredients we have available.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 180 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
2 piece Quince
150 g Sugar, brown
8 pieces Spices, cloves, ground
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
Clean, wash, and peel the quinces, then cut them in half. The cut should be as even as possible. Scoop out the core and enough flesh so that 2 to 3 tablespoons of liquid can fit in the hollow. Place two cloves in each hollow, then mix cinnamon and sugar and fill the hollows with the mixture.
Upside-Down Apple Cake
Upside-down apple cake is delicious on its own, but its best when its still slightly warm, served with a scoop of ice cream, Greek yogurt, or a dollop of chilled whipped cream.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 70 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
- 120 g Sugar, white
170 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
0.5 bags Baking powder
1 teaspoon Spices, cinnamon, ground
Upside-Down Orange Cake
The preparation of this cake might be a bit different from what youre used to. First, we place orange slices at the bottom of the baking dish, pour sugar syrup over them, and cover them with sponge cake batter. Once the cake is baked, we flip it onto a plate, resulting in the cake being on the bottom and the orange slices on top. Be very careful when flipping the cake, as the hot syrup can easily burn you.
Valentines Cupcakes
Cupcakes are a very popular Valentines treat in America, as they can be prepared in countless ways. This time, we present you with a recipe for delicious cupcakes with passion fruit pulp and a seductive red buttercream.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
125 g Butter, unsalted
125 g Sugar, white
2 piece Egg, fresh
125 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
Valentines Glass Cookies
Delicate cookies with sweet glass pieces are a charming and original gift to surprise your loved one on Valentines Day.
- Preparation Time: 150 minutes
- Cooking Time: 12 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
150 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 pinch Salt, table
0.25 teaspoons Baking powder
100 g Butter, unsalted
50 g Sugar, white
1 piece Egg, fresh
0.5 teaspoons Vanilla, extract, imitation
100 g Sugar, white
Vanilla Chocolate Crackles
Delicate cookies that children not only adore, but can also join you in making. The preparation is simple, with some time needed for cooling, but the final result has never left anyone indifferent. Usually, the balls are rolled only in powdered sugar, but we added vanilla sugar for an extra touch.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
230 g chocolate, dark
Vanilla Cream for Baskets and Boats
Light, rich, and flavorful cream that can be used to fill baskets and boats. With the addition of fresh fruit, it creates an adorable pastry that will wonderfully spice up any celebration or party.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 10 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
1 piece Egg, fresh
2 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
1 piece Vanilla, extract, natural
80 g Sugar, white
Vanilla Cupcakes
This recipe makes 12 cupcakes. The name cupcake originates from the 19th century and is related to the fact that ingredients for small sponge cakes were measured with a cup and not weighed. The oldest surviving cupcake recipe dates back to 1902.
- Preparation Time: 40 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
0.5 cups Butter, unsalted
0.66 cups Sugar, white
3 pieces Egg, fresh
Vanilla Ice Cream in Baskets
An ice cream surprise served in beautiful baskets that you can make yourself.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 6
1 l Ice cream, vanilla
6 teaspoon Dressing, strawberry
25 g Butter, unsalted
1 spoon Honey
2 spoons Sugar, white
0.5 teaspoons Spices, ginger, ground
1 spoon Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 piece Lemon, fresh, without shell
1 piece Orange, fresh
Vanilla Ice Cream with Pumpkin Seeds
When youre thinking about how to cool down in the summer heat, remember this recipe. Vanilla ice cream will pleasantly cool and refresh you, while pumpkin oil and crystallized pumpkin seeds are the finishing touch that will make you remember this dessert for a long time…
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
Crystallized pumpkin seeds
50 g Seeds, pumpkin
Vanilla Panna Cotta with Strawberry Sauce
A light and refreshing dessert, perfect for gatherings and parties. The preparation is quick and easy, and the dessert will impress everyone.
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
Panna cotta
1 bag Gelatin powder, unsweetened
4 spoon Water
500 ml Sweet cream
300 ml Milk, whole milk
60 g Sugar, white
1 piece Vanilla, extract, imitation
Strawberry sauce
450 g Strawberries
Vegan Pancakes
Pancakes with a wonderful vanilla aroma, enhanced by the flavor of fresh mandarins. Use this simple recipe and enjoy making easy and delicious pancakes.
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
5 spoon Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
5 spoon Flour, chickpea
3 dl Soy milk
4 spoon Oil, vegetable oil, canola
1 bag Powdered sugar
2 piece Candied fruit
Victoria Cake
A simple sponge cake enriched with jam and whipped cream.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
220 g Butter, unsalted
200 ml Sweet cream
220 g Sugar, white
4 pieces Egg, fresh
220 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
1 teaspoon Baking powder
150 ml Sweet cream
6 spoon Marmalade, orange
- 1.5 spoons Powdered sugar
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Using an electric mixer, beat softened butter, cream, and sugar into a creamy mixture. Add the eggs one by one and mix well. Finally, add the sifted flour and baking powder and gently fold them in with a spatula or spoon.
Walnut Cake with Coffee Cream
If you love walnuts and coffee, you will surely enjoy this dessert. The sponge cake is juicy and light, while the cream is rich and luxurious.
- Preparation Time: 60 minutes
- Cooking Time: 50 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 8
2 teaspoons Coffee, espresso
1 spoon Water
225 g Powdered sugar
75 g Butter, unsalted
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, imitation
pieces Butter, unsalted
1.5 spoons Coffee, espresso
Walnut Cookies
Walnut cookies are a type of festive pastry that can be enjoyed anytime, not just during the holidays.
- Preparation Time: 70 minutes
- Cooking Time: 25 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
65 g Walnuts
260 g Flour, Whole wheat
0.25 teaspoons Salt, table
230 g Butter, unsalted
30 g Powdered sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla, extract, natural
- 120 g Powdered sugar
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Sort the walnuts and spread them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Roast them in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes, then finely chop them. Turn off the oven.
Walnut Crackles
I am sure you are familiar with chocolate crackles. Perhaps also coconut and/or lemon ones. These, however, are made with walnuts and rum. This time, I intentionally left out cinnamon, but you can, of course, add it. Next time, I will make them with hazelnuts, just be careful with the rum dosage if children will also be enjoying them.
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 8 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
80 g Butter, unsalted
Walnut Kisses
Do you often have leftover egg whites after baking sweet treats or making homemade pasta, and youre not sure how to use them? You can always freeze them, but an even better way is to bake something delicious with them. A great choice is walnut kisses, which are quick and easy to prepare. These sweet cookies are so light that they melt in your mouth, and they pair perfectly with a cup of tea or coffee.
Walnut Slices with Egg Yolk Cream
The base layer consists of a juicy and light walnut sponge cake, which is spread with beaten egg yolks while still hot. Wait for the pastry to cool completely, then cut it into pieces and serve. Quick, simple, and very tasty!
- Preparation Time: 20 minutes
- Cooking Time: 17 minutes
- Difficulty: 1
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
5 pieces Egg, egg yolk, fresh
200 g Powdered sugar
Walnut Snails
If youre afraid to make a potica, try making walnut snails first. They will surely succeed and give you the joy to tackle something more challenging.
- Preparation Time: 130 minutes
- Cooking Time: 35 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 12
500 g Flour, Wheat, bread flour
20 g Yeast, dry
50 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
1 piece Egg, fresh
1 piece Egg, egg yolk, fresh
Walnut-Caramel Pie
Walnut-caramel pie is a true "energy bomb," so it certainly doesnt belong among the desserts you would indulge in every day. A small piece, enjoyed with a cup of strong coffee, will be enough.
- Preparation Time: 45 minutes
- Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
180 g Wheat flour, white, multi-purpose
90 g Butter, unsalted
50 g Sugar, white
1 pinch Salt, table
Wheat Semolina Pudding
Do you still remember the simple dishes made from wheat semolina that our moms used to prepare for us in childhood? Let the aroma of those sweet days return, let the aroma of wheat semolina fill the air, which we will serve in charming ramekins and bake in the oven.
- Preparation Time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 4
0.75 spoons Spices, cinnamon, ground
White Grape Marmalade
Make sure your pantry is fully stocked with homemade marmalades this year. Reserve a central spot for the excellent white grape marmalade!
- Preparation Time: 35 minutes
- Cooking Time: 30 minutes
- Difficulty: 2
- Spiciness: 0
- Number of Servings: 10
1 kg Grapes, red and yellow, fresh
800 g Sugar, white
2 dl Juice, apple
Wash the grapes, peel them, and remove the seeds. Thoroughly wash the jars for preserving and place them in the oven preheated to 80 degrees Celsius for at least 15 minutes.